1. 使用命令行查看版本 (Using the Command Line to Check Version) 命令行是Linux用户常用的工具之一,通过命令行可以快速查看系统信息。以下是几种常用的命令来检查Ubuntu版本。 1.1. lsb_release命令 (Using the lsb_release Command) lsb_release是一个常用的命令,可以显示Linux标准库的版本信息。要查看Ubuntu版本...
top命令可以看到cupsd任务一直在执行 image.png 常用linux命令 ssh sns@,,,:远程登录linux Disk Usage Ananyzer,可查看真实文件及文件夹大小 目前tools/tomcat/logs一直在增加 sudo du -h --max-depth=1 |sort -nr sudo find / -size +1G:列出大文件 du -h filepath:文件大小 ls -lh:列出文件夹中文件大...
To ensure that the disk usage command has the requiredroot user permissionsto read the directories you are pointing it to, you can prefix anyducommand withsudo. sudo du Below is an example of the output you might get running the command to check the disk space on the home directory of a...
1 find <path> <-option> [-exec|-ok command {} \] (1)path 表示在什么路径(目录)下查找。 (2)-option 根据文件名查找:-name filename 1 2 find / -name "*.txt" # 在根目录下查找所有以.txt结尾的文件 find /home -iname "*.txt" #在home目录下查找所有以.txt结尾的文件,且忽略大小...
# 修改前分区状态$ lsblkNAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTSsda8:0025G0disk├─sda18:101M0part├─sda28:201.8G0part /boot└─sda38:3014.2G0part└─ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv253:0014.2G0lvm /# 开始分区$sudofdisk/dev/sdaCommand(mforhelp): m#查看帮助Help:GPTM enter protective/hybrid MBR...
I find this command useful for obtaining comprehensive information about both my hard drive and removable drive. Hopefully, you will find it helpful as well. :) How to View Free Disk Space and Disk Usage From the, To discover what’s taking up the used disk space, use du (disk usage)....
Ubuntu使用APT Command(高级软件包工具)进行包管理,如安装、删除、搜索等。默认情况下,每个Linux操作系统都会在其各自的目录中保留已下载和安装的包的缓存,Ubuntu也会这样做,它会保留下载的每个更新并安装在磁盘上的缓存中,Ubuntu系统在/var/cache/apt/archives目录中保留DEB包的缓存,随着时间的推移,此缓存可以快速增长...
Step 2. Use the df Command Root Volume To check disk space usage for the root volume mounted at /: Copy $ df -h / The -h option tells the command to show "human friendly" output (using familiar units like Gi for Gibibytes/Gigabytes and Mi for Mebibytes/Megabytes). The / tells ...
解除分区占用,lsof /dev/sda2,查看关联COMMAND,将服务关闭。 重新进行umount。 d.添加分区 执行fdisk /dev/sda,进行分区划分。 e.mount新分区 9.客户机启动之后不会自动获取IP 发现客户段启动之后,网口没有IP,需要手动执行dhclient -i ens33之后才可以获取IP。我是选择修改配置文件,否则每次都得手动获取一遍。
DESCRIPTION This utility displays disk space usage for one or more databases. The utility optionally displays disk usage for the binary log, slow query log, error log, general query log, relay log, and InnoDB tablespaces. The default is to only show database disk usage. If the command-line...