sudo apt-get install subversion g++ autoconf libtool libspeexdsp-dev libasound2-dev libbluetooth-dev libaudiofile-dev libdbus-1-dev 然后用 svn 获得源代码 svn co 进入源代码的文件夹下,就可以开始编译安装了。 ./ ./configure ...
sudo apt-get install subversion g++ autoconf libtool libspeexdsp-dev libasound2-dev libbluetooth-dev libaudiofile-dev libdbus-1-dev 1. 然后用 svn 获得源代码 复制 svn co 1. 进入源代码的文件夹下,就可以开始编译安装了。 复制 ./autog...
kdebase-runtime-data (<4:4.4.80), kdebase-workspace-bin (<4:4.6), kdebluetooth (<1.0~beta7-1), kdelibs5 (<4:4.4.80), kdelibs5-plugins (< 4:4.5), nepomukcontroller, plasma-netbook (<4:4.5.95), plasma-scriptengine-declarative, plasma-scriptengine-javascript (< 4:4.6.80) 代替: kd...
首先安装编译时需要的一些包 sudo apt-get install subversion g++ autoconf libtool libspeexdsp-dev libasound2-dev libbluetooth-dev libaudiofile-dev libdbus-1-dev 1. 然后用 svn 获得源代码 svn co 1. 进入源代码的文件夹下,就可以开始编译...
sudo apt-get install subversion g++ autoconf libtool libspeexdsp-dev libasound2-dev libbluetooth-dev libaudiofile-dev libdbus-1-dev 1. 然后用 svn 获得源代码 svn co 1. 进入源代码的文件夹下,就可以开始编译安装了。
dbus.log DBus is the IPC communication layer between the Ubuntu System Settings and the Bluetooth stack. DBus saves its debug information to this log file which can be useful to tell if both of the parties are able to communicate. HCI trace In general the term “HCI trace” refers to the...
sudo apt-get install libdbus-1-dev libglib2.0-dev libudev-dev libical-dev libreadline-dev 代码语言:txt 复制 下载BlueZ的源代码。可以从BlueZ的官方网站(上获取最新的源代码包。 解压源代码包并进入解压后的目录。 执行以下命令进行配置: ...
cp&rm 一、篇四中的蓝牙遥控也需要命令行实现: root运行 apt-get update apt-get install bluetooth bluez apt-get upgrade -y systemctl enable bluetooth.service systemctl start bluetooth.service systemctl status bluetooth.service lsusb hciconfig #对应hci0 hciconfig hci0 up #激活 hcitool scan #扫描 ...
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install build-essential libdbus-1-dev libglib2.0-dev libudev-dev 复制代码 下载BlueZ源代码: wget 复制代码 解压源代码: tar -xvf bluez-5.60.tar.xz cd bluez-5.60 复制代码 配置和编译: ./configure...