To create a zip file in GUI, right click on the file and select compress, then select archive format and click create. Unzipping Zipped Files with unzip We can unzip zipped files usingunzipcommand, from the Ubuntu terminal. Enter unzip followed by the name of the file to unzip: unzip file...
zip -r folder1 folder2 Command 3: zip -r /path/to/folder1 /path/to/file2 Create Zip Using GUI Simple, select the files and folders you wish to Zip. Then, right click on to them and select Compress. Now here you will have to select the compression options...
zip -r folder_name 复制代码 其中,archive_name.zip是要创建的压缩文件的名称,folder_name是要压缩的文件夹的名称。 使用tar命令:可以使用以下命令将文件夹压缩为一个tar.gz文件: tar -czvf archive_name.tar.gz folder_name 复制代码 其中,archive_name.tar.gz是要创建的压缩文件的名称,fo...
zip -r OUTPUT_NAME INPUT_FILE_FOLDER... Example of Zipping Folders For this example, we will use zip on Ubuntu to archive the contents of a folder called “Documents“. This folder contains another folder named “example“. You will see how by adding the recursive tag, the contents of b...
.tar tar c v f x z j。c=create,f=file,z=zip,v=visible .gz gzip,gunzip .bz2 bzip2,bunzip2 .gz和.bz2类是,就是压缩率不同,.bz2压缩率高。 .zip zip,unzip .rar rar a,rar x 7z 7z .Z compress,uncompress 现在.gz和.Z等价。.tar能将多个文件生成一个文件,文件的尺寸不会有太大变化。这...
scp remote_username@remote_ip:remote_folder local_file ssh SSH 为Secure Shell 的缩写,SSH为创建在应用层和传输层基础上的安全协议。通过SSH协议远程登录其他主机。 SSH(远程连接工具[客户端命令])连接原理:ssh服务是一个守护进程(daemon),系统后台监听客户端 /usr/bin/ssh 的连接,ssh服务端的进程名为sshd,负...
change the destination of the target folder where zip file will be created. To change the destination folder of .zip file while creating it just prepend the address where you want to create the .zip file Note:Use -r in the command for the folder having more than one file or fol...
cd /path/to/source_folder # 切换到包含你想复制的文件的文件夹:/path/to/source_folder cp * /path/to/destination_folder/ # 将当前文件夹下的所有文件和文件夹复制到目标文件夹 cp -R * /path/to/destination_folder/ # 只复制文件,而不复制子文件夹,-R表示递归复制 ...
As usual, you need to go to the folder where the files are saved. There, you need to right-click the file and click on extract here. If you do so, then it will create a folder similar to the name of the zip file and then extract the contents into there. However, if you choose...
Download the zip from extract it to /usr/share/fonts. (create this folder if you don't have it already) Restart ColdFusion. Using the remote PDF service manager If you choose to install support for PDF generation during ColdFusion installa...