Ubuntu中的许多操作在终端(Terminal)中十分的快捷,记住一些快捷键的操作更得心应手。在Ubuntu中打开终端的快捷键是Ctrl+Alt+T。其他的一些常用的快捷键如下:快捷键 功能Tab 自动补全 Ctrl+a 光标移动到开始位置 Ctrl+e 光标移动到最末尾 Ctrl+k 删除此处至末尾的所有内容 Ctrl+u 删除此处至开始的所有内容 Ctrl+...
Ctrl + k - 从光标处删除到行尾 Ctrl + l - 清屏,类似 clear 命令 Ctrl + r - 查找历史命令 Ctrl + R - Search the history backwards with multi occurrence Ctrl + u - Delete backward from cursor // 密码输入错误的时候比较有用 Ctrl + xx - Move between EOL and current cursor position Ctrl...
SearchthehistorybackwardswithmultioccurrenceCtrl+u-Deletebackwardfromcursor/密码输入错误的时候比较有用Ctrl+xx-MovebetweenEOLandcurrentcursorpositionCtrl+x-ShowpossiblehostnamecompletionsCtrl+z-Suspend/Stopthecommand补充:Ctrl+h-删除当前字符Ctrl+w-删除最后输入的单词终端快捷键:alt+f2 然后打 gnome-terminal 就...
1.同时按Alt 和 F2,打开如下图所示的“运行应用程序”对话框 2.然后在里面输入:gnome-terminal,之后点右下角的“运行”,就打开终端工具 ubuntu默认root密码 安装完Ubuntu后忽然意识到没有设置root密码,不知道密码自然就无法进入根用户下。到网上搜了一下,原来是这麽回事。Ubuntu的默认root密码是随机的,即每次开机...
"\C-p": history-search-backward 现在使用Ctrl+p上翻,使用Ctrl+n下翻。如果已经在命令行中输入字符,那么Ctrl+p就是在历史纪录向上查找您输入的字符,Ctrl+n为向下查找,非常的方便。 设定您的默认Shell 如果能够拥有root权限,可以直接修改 /etc/passwd 文件。找到您用户ID起始的行 ...
Terminal:执行程序是否打开一个终端,程序有打印信息的话设为True 我的这样: [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=RaiSimUnity Version=1.1.7 Exec=/home/username/RaiSim/raisim_workspace/raisimLib/raisimUnity/linux/raisimUnity.x86_64 Icon=/home/username/RaiSim/raisim_workspace/raisimLib/docs/image/...
11. clear: Clear terminal screen Nano feels like a complicated one, right? Let me share a simple command. The clear command clears the terminal. That’s it. clear And why do you need to do that? Well, if your terminal screen is flooded with random stuff and you want to do something...
第48行open("/home/alice/.bash_history", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 3 这里是用户用logout或exit退出的表现.如果直接关闭掉terminal,则不会执行.bash_logout和写回.bash_history文件 .bash_logout脚本默认是调用clear清一下屏幕 ### http://keyewan.blog.163.com/blog/static/18982723320117775554554/...
This command is used to exit the terminal. Simply typingexitwill close the terminal. 39. shutdown This command is used to shut down the system. For example,shutdown -hnow will shut down the system immediately. 40. clear This command is used to clear the terminal screen. Simply typingclear...
History MarkShuttleworth said the following with regard to where the naming scheme originally came from: So, what's with the "Funky Fairy" naming system? Many sensible people have wondered why we chose this naming scheme. It came about as a joke on a ferry between Circular Quay and somewhe...