Open your CLI. Check the current system’s timezone by running the timedatectl command. The output below shows that the local time is set to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Find out the full name of the timezone. Usually, the naming convention uses the Region/City format. Insert the com...
修改服务器时间为北京时间 如果使用的服务器上的时间不对,需要对local time 进行修改 查看时间 date 查看时区信息 timedatectl 如果输出结果中的 Time zone 不是 Asia/Shanghai,则表示 Linux 服务器的时区设置不正确。 修改时区设置 sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Shanghai 实在不行,也可以手动修改时间 sudo d...
How to Use DF command in Linux to Check Disk Space 0 comments 0 reactions Master Linux disk management with the DF command. Learn to check and free up disk space efficiently with our easy-to-follow guide. Perfect for beginners! Read MoreMay 23, 2022 ...
时区设置 sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Shanghai #同时使系统日志时间戳也立即生效 sudo systemctl restart rsyslog 1. 2. 3. 3,关闭防火墙和selinux ubuntu 查看防火墙命令,ufw status可查看状态,ubuntu20.04默认全部关闭,无需设置。 4,主机名和hosts设置(可选) 非必须,但是为了直观方便管理,建议设置。 在...
scripts/ 函数用途:创建系统swap分区--scripts/ 函数名称:sec_usercheck scripts/ 函数用途:用于锁定或者删除多余的系统账户--scripts/ 函数名称:sec_userconfig scripts/ 函数用途:针对拥有ssh远程登陆权限...
本文是在Ubuntu 18.04 LTS系统上通过kubeadm快速搭建k8s集群,系统使用虚拟机安装,首先安装一台虚拟机(master节点),然后进行环境初始化配置,配置完成后直接克隆出两台工作节点。 环境准备 服务器规划好以后,下面开始对环境进行初始化配置,在克隆虚拟机这一节之前所有操作都是在控制节点(上进行的,因为环境...
Try sudo /etc/init.d/ntp status to check if NTP is running, and sudo /etc/init.d/ntp restart to restart it if necessary. I have various systems on unreliable networks so I use a simple script to bounce NTP if needed: $ cat /etc/cron.hourly/BOUNCE-NTP #...
Enter the CLI of the quorum server and run the sudo ufw status command in any directory to check whether the firewall configuration has taken effect. If 30002/tcp ALLOW Anywhere and 30002/tcp(v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6) are displayed in the command output, the firewall configuration has taken ...
If not you can also use/usr/lib/ubuntu-release-upgrader/check-new-release-gtk Click Upgrade and follow the on-screen instructions. To upgrade on a server system: Make sure the Prompt line in/etc/update-manager/release-upgradesis set to normal. ...
1.ALL TIMES ARE UTC. Please check your local timezone to ensure you are present at the right time. 2. Session Hosts: Please don't make schedule changes without contacting the organizer. Confirmed Presentations "An Introduction to Ubuntu Community Week" ...