一次性查看所有网络接口的MAC地址,方便快速获取信息。 方法二:使用ip命令 命令示例:ip link show 优点: ip命令同样可以查看网络接口的MAC地址,且输出更为清晰。 可以同时查看网络接口的状态、IP地址等信息,方便全面了解网络配置。 方法三:查看/proc文件系统 命令示例:cat /sys/class/net/eth0/address 优点: 通过查...
Check for a private IP address using the terminal If you want to find a private IP address on Ubuntu using the command-line interface (CLI), just one command is required. Open Terminal. Load network information: ip a This command will load all the available network interfaces, both wir...
Ubuntu is the modern, open source operating system on Linux for the enterprise server, desktop, cloud, and IoT.
set <channel number> <command> <parameter> Set the given command and parameter on the specified channel. Valid command/parameter options are: ipaddr <x.x.x.x> Set the IP address for this channel. netmask <x.x.x.x> Set the netmask for this channel. macaddr <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> ...
在和 check命令结合时,all可以不被使用; -s[!]address[/mask]:指定源地址,可以是主机名、网络名和清楚地IP地址。mask说明可以是网络掩码 或清楚的数字,在网络掩码的左边指定网络掩码左边"1"的个数,因此,mask值为 24等于255.255.255.0。在指定地址前加上"!"说明指定了相反的地址段。标志-- src是这个选项的...
Then run the ifconfig eth2 command to check whether the configuration has taken effect. If the IP address that you configured is displayed in the command output, the configuration has taken effect. XXX@ubuntu:~$ifconfig eth2 eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 08:00:27:45:7A:EB inet addr:...
addresses: [] # 静态 IP 地址, 斜杠后面的是子网掩码, 24 表示 24 个 1, 即 gateway4: # 网关地址, 在 22.04 版本中不再需要这一行, 只需要指定下面的路由网关地址即可 nameservers: addresses: [] # DNS 服务器地址 ...
2– Check DNS configuration:In your terminal, replace <interface name> with the name you found and run: nmcli device show <interface name> | grep IP4.DNS Or, use this shorter command: nmcli dev show | grep DNS Read:Securing Ubuntu: Best Practices for Keeping Your System Safe ...
check_iface() { if ! command -v route >/dev/null 2>&1 && ! command -v ip >/dev/null 2>&1; then wait_for_apt export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ( set -x apt-get -yqq update || apt-get -yqq update apt-get -yqq install iproute2 >/dev/null ) ...
Notes: As of the Ubuntu LTS release in 2020, the server documentation has moved toa different site, and will automatically update when changes are made to thediscourse source code pages. The Desktop links above are available in many different languages. They will be displayed in the preferred ...