find . -path './cache' -prune -o -name "*.php" -exec grep -l "date_cache[$format]['lang']" {} \; #显示当前目录下不包含cache目录的所有含有“date_cache[$format]['lang']”字符串的php文件。 find . -type f -name \*.php -exec grep -l "info" {} \; 快速查找某个文件 where...
Valgrind简介Valgrind是运行在Linux上的一套基于仿真技术的程序调试和分析工具,作者是获得过Google-O’Reilly开源大奖的Julian Seward,它包含一个内核 —— 一个软件合成的CPU,和一系列的小工具,每个工具都可以完成一项任务──调试,分析,或测试等,内存检测,我们可以使用它的工具:Memcheck。 Valgrind安装方法 1. valgri...
查看cpu 信息 # CPU型号cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep name|cut -f2 -d:|uniq -c# 物理 CPU 个数cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep"physical id"|sort|uniq|wc -l# CPU核数 (物理CPU个数 * 每个CPU的核数)cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep"cpu cores"|uniq# 逻辑CPU个数 (物理CPU个数 * 每个CPU的核数 * 超线程数)cat ...
按内存从大到小排列进程:ps -eo “%C : %p : %z : %a”|sort -k5 -nr 按cpu利用率从大到小排列进程:ps -eo “%C : %p : %z : %a”|sort -nr 统计当前目录下所有jpg文件的尺寸:find . -name *.jpg -exec wc -c {} \;|awk ‘{print $1}’|awk ‘{a+=$1}END{print a}’ 清...
sudo cpufreq-set -c 2 -u 2.6GHz: 设置指定CPU的状态, -u 2.6GHz 指定CPU 最高频率; 4.2 编写脚本 编写set_cpu_performance.sh文件,并通过sudo chmod +x set_cpu_performance.sh赋予可执行权限 #!/bin/bash # Check if cpufrequtils package is installed ...
Terminal Method: Check CPU temperature with sensors command To check the temperature in the terminal, you'd need to have the samelm-sensorspackage you saw in the previous method. Install it if you don't have it already. sudo apt install lm-sensors ...
设置CPU的频率 :sudo apt-get install cpufrequtils;sudo cpufreq-info 命令关机:sudo halt 现在关机:sudo shutdown -h now 晚上11点自动关机:sudo shutdown -h 23:00 60分钟后关机:sudo shutdown -h +60 命令重启电脑:sudo reboot 现在重启电脑:sudo shutdown -r now ...
tips[24] = "查看CPU信息"; code[24] = "cat /proc/cpuinfo"; tips[25] = "显示当前硬件信息"; code[25] = "sudo lshw"; tips[26] = "显示系统运行时间"; code[26] = "uptime"; tips[27] = "查看硬盘的分区"; code[27] = "sudo fdisk -l"; ...
Before you can cool your processor, the first thing to do is to measure the cpu temperatures. Monitor the cpu temperature using lm sensors First of all install the lm-sensors package which has the utility programs that can check the temperature of cpu processors and disk drives too. sudo apt...
Check your BIOS settings and CPU capabilities. If "nx" shows up in each of the "flags" lines in /proc/cpuinfo, it is enabled/supported by your hardware (and a PAE kernel is needed to actually use it). Starting in Ubuntu 11.04, BIOS NX settings are ignored by the kernel. ...