It seems I had some kind of intrusion and I found 6 files changed its ownership to user 1035 and group 1035, I don't know how but I need to change them back to its original owner (root) because one of them is the ls command and the other is the ifconfig how can I revert them ...
Change the ownership of the symbolic link to your new username by using the following command. chown -h <NEWNAME>: /home/<OLDNAME>Copy Cleaning Up After Changing your Username on Ubuntu 10. Now that you have changed your username on Ubuntu, we can clean up. As we are currently in the...
#copy setenv.shfortomcatcp/usr/lib/jvm/$A_NAME/apache-tomcat-7.0.81/bin/#change ownership of tomcat/bin/chown-R $A_NAME:$A_NAME /home/$A_NAME/apache-tomcat-7.0.81/#edit server.xmlsed-i -e'22 s/8005/-1/'-e'71 s/8080/8081/'-e'125 s#webapps#../webapps...
Then, change ownership of these directories to your non-root user and group. This is necessary because they are currently owned by yourrootuser, but we will install pgAdmin from a virtual environment owned by your non-root user, and the installation process involves creating some files within ...
Optionally, you can check the status of the server after all these changes with this command: sudosystemctl status apache2 Copy Your server should now be set up to serve two websites. If you’re using real domain names, you can skip Step 6 and move on to Step 7. If you’re testing...
Change the Permissions of Xauthority Now that you know what’s causing the problem, it’s time to set it right. Instead of root, your user and group should own that Xauthority file. You can change the ownership by running thechowncommand with sudo. ...
terminal window, it displays the files and directories in the current working directory. By default, the ls command displays the file and directory names in a column format. It shows the file or directory names, their permissions, ownership information, and the date and time they were last ...
Scripts defined in the change share command parameter are executed as root. When executed, smbd will automatically invoke the change share command with six parameters. • configFile - the location of the global smb.conf file. • shareName - the name of the new share. • pathName - path...
[19419.742319] [drm:nv_drm_master_set [nvidia_drm]] *ERROR* [nvidia-drm] [GPU ID 0x00000100] Failed to grab modeset ownership ... >>> tail /var/log/apt/history.log Start-Date: 2022-07-13 14:37:51 Commandline: apt upgrade Install: linux-hwe-5.15-headers-5.15.0-41:am...
check its owner as well. If the owner is set to root (or any name other than your username), use the command above to correct the ownership settings; change.Xauthorityto.ICEauthorityin the aforementioned command.