I'm a Ubuntu (Jaunty Jackalope on a Sheevaplug) user trying to mount an external hard drive formatted NTFS for read/write access. I was hoping to accomplish this through the use of ntfs-3g, but there's a problem when trying to install this driver. Any ideas how to get this har...
Mounting an external drive or USB flash drive using the GUI application is pretty straightforward. Several Linux distros already offer GUI applications for the same. Here, I’ll guide you to mount/unmount a USB drive on Ubuntu using the GUI application. 1. Open Disks Application Open the Activ...
[lasso box=”B08JKFY8FH” link_id=”20396″ ref=”toshiba-canvio-advance-1tb-portable-external-hard-drive-usb-3-0-black-hdtca10xk3aa” id=”101806″] Step 2: Make disk partition for Ubuntu installation In the Windows menu, search for disk and go to ‘Create and format hard disk parti...
Users of grub-customizer could hita bugin the late stage of the upgrade process leading to the final stage of the upgrade to fail (autoremoval of packages). A workaround is availablein the bug’s comments. Ubuntu Desktop The Ubuntu Desktop images can be slow to boot (taking up to 10 mi...
Mount point =/ Create Ubuntu Root Partition Root Partition Settings Create thehomepartition using the same steps as above. Use all the available free space left for the home partition size. The partition settings should look like this:
cannot write to external hard drive error says it is read only but permissions say my username 161862 ubuntu 7.10 64bit: mount / is busy after last 11 security update: disk corruptions 161860 Windows NT Tri Boot Install Corruped after Kubuntu 6.06 Install ...
Ubuntu remount hard drive Some times ubuntu user disappeared, need to create the same user again and point to the same home drive, use below command id-u usernamesudouseradd --home /home/username --uid1001--gid users usernamesudochown-R username: ~username...
The FreePBX external IP address is under Settings > Asterisk SIP Settings > NAT Settings > External Address, and this is auto-configured by default during the initial FreePBX installation. VoIP and FoIP SIP trunk providers also advertise their correct IP address and port, so the connection ...
Once you have the disk partition name, you can mount it in this fashion: sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt I hope this gives you a pretty good idea about checking hard drive space on Linux. Let’s see how to do it graphically. Method 2: Using du, ls, and Other Commands ...
Once the USB drive is ready, insert it into your computer, and power it on. Some computers are automatically configured to boot from external media first. In that case, you won’t need to do anything. Other computers require a manual change to the startup order. This is done by editing...