from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def hello_world(): return 'Hello, World!' if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=8000) 5. 检查SELinux或AppArmor 如果你的系统启用了SELinux或AppArmor,可能需要额外的配置来允许8000端口的访问。 SELin...
# 开启 ssh 服务端口,默认端口是22 sudo ufw allow ssh # 关闭特定端口 sudo ufw delete allow8000 # 指定特定来源的源 IP 地址 sudo ufw allowfrom<IP 地址> toanyport <端口号> # 如配置 设备能访问或关闭服务器的 8000 端口 sudo ufw allowfrom172.16.2.193toanyport8000 sudo ufw delete ...
ufw allow53允许外部访问53端口(tcp/udp)ufw allow from192.168.1.100 允许此IP访问所有的本机端口 ufw deny proto tcp from10.0.0.0/8 to192.168.0.1 port 要拒绝所有的流量从TCP的10.0.0.0/8 到端口22的地址192.168.0.1 ufw deny smtp 禁止外部访问smtp服务 ufw delete allow smtp 删除上面建立的某条规则 查...
ServerApp.port = 8888 # 默认端口8000 c.ServerApp.open_browser = False c.NotebookApp.allow_remote_access = True c.ServerApp.root_dir = '/data' # 可自己设 c.ServerApp.iopub_data_rate_limit = 10000000000000000000 c.ServerApp.iopub_msg_rate_limit = 10000000000 # 稍后添加密码,不需要密码...
1、先完成欢迎对话框的设置 系统安装完成之后,第一次进入系统时,会弹出欢迎对话框,如下图:图1、...
admin:/>add server_ip ip= port=30002 Command executed succesfully. 仲裁服务器的业务IP地址用于对接存储阵列,在存储阵列添加仲裁服务器时使用。如果仲裁服务器的两个仲裁端口不绑定,则两个端口要求配置两个不同网段的IP地址用于仲裁;如果仲裁服务器的两个端口绑定,则只需要配置一个虚拟IP用于仲裁IP...
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 端口号 -j ACCEPT 方案二选择以下: 放行tcp或者udp端口:ufw allow 端口号/tcp 放行tcp与udp端口:ufw allow 端口号 删除指定端口:ufw delete allow 端口号 重启防火墙 service iptables restart #方案一选择此命令
sudo ufw allow in on lo to any proto tcp port 8000 comment 'squid-deb-proxy' Also, if the private PPAs for ESM are going to be used as per the instructions below, ensure that access is allowed, using something like: echo | sudo sh -c 'cat >/etc/...
In this guide, you’ll see how to add rules to the firewall to open ports and allow certain services to have access through the firewall on Ubuntu. Allow Port Through Ubuntu Firewall 1.To allow a certain port through the firewall, use the following command syntax. In this example, we...
SSH port: Leave it at the default value22. Session type: Change the value toXFCE. Currently, the Linux VM supports only the XFCE desktop. Media: You can turn off sound support and client printing if you don't need to use them.