如果此参数设置为了 yes (或者在命令行上指定了 -U/--user-group),将会为用户创建一个组,组名和登录名相同。如 果选项设置为了 no (或者在命令行上指定了 -N/--no-user-group),useradd 会把新用户的主组设置为 /etc/default/useradd 中 GROUP 变量指定的值,再或者默认是 100。 -G, --groups GROUP1...
1.创建用户组 addgroup [--gid ID] 用户组名 2.添加用户到用户组中 adduser [--home 用户主文件夹] [--shell SHELL] [--no-create-home(无主文件夹)] [--uid 用户ID] [--firstuid ID] [--lastuid ID] [--gecos GECOS] [--ingroup 用户组 | --gid 组ID] [--disabled-password(禁用密码)...
Ubuntu增加⼀个⽤户并给普通⽤户赋予root权限的⽅法1、添加⽤户,⾸先⽤adduser命令添加⼀个普通⽤户,命令如下:#adduser tommy //添加⼀个名为tommy的⽤户 #passwd tommy //修改密码 Changing password for user tommy.New UNIX password: //在这⾥输⼊新密码 Retype new UNIX pa...
d. root执行sudo时不需要输入密码(文件中有配置root ALL=(ALL) ALL这样一条规则); e. 若欲切换的身份与执行者的身份相同,也不需要输入密码。 赋予root权限 修改/etc/sudoers 文件 sudo gedit /etc/sudoers 注意执行时需要root权限,即使用sudo gedit #Userprivilege specification rootALL=(ALL:ALL)ALL 具有sudo...
1) How to add a user to sudoers group On Ubuntu, this has to be the easiest option of granting administrative rights to a regular user. When users are added to the sudo group, they acquire the ability to invoke sudo when running system-related tasks. The usermod command is a command ...
How to Create a sudo User in Ubuntu The process of adding a user to the sudo group has the following steps: Step #1: Create the New User Login as a root user and launch the terminal. Create a new user with theadduser commandthat creates the account, a group, and the home directory...
group_name 是用户组的名字。 password 通常是占位符 x 或者空的,因为现代 Linux 系统通常将密码存储在影子文件中。 GID 是用户组的 ID。 user_list 列出了属于该组的所有用户,用逗号分隔。 查询个特定用户的所属组 root@jeven01:~# groups admin admin : admin 3.3 加入某个用户组 加入IT用户组 usermod...
Add a New User to the System Add the User to its Sudo Group Test Sudo User Access Step 1 — Logging Into Your Server SSH in to your server as the root user: ssh root@your_server_ip_address Copy Step 2 — Add New Sudo User to the System Use the adduser command to add a new ...
addgroup [--gid ID] GROUP Add a user group addgroup --system [--gid ID] GROUP Add a system group adduser USER GROUP Add an existing user to an existing group general options:--quiet|-q don'tgive process information to stdout--force-badname allow usernames whichdonotmatchthe ...
$ sudo adduser senthil sudo 样本输出: Adding user `senthil' to group `sudo' ... Adding user senthil to group sudo Done. 在Ubuntu Linux 中向用户授予 Sudo 权限 我们向用户“senthil”授予了 sudo 权限。 您还可以使用以下命令将用户添加到 sudo 组。