sudo mount <NFS_SERVER_IP>:/srv/nfs_share /mnt <NFS_SERVER_IP> 是 NFS 服务器的 IP 地址。...
1. 安装nfs-common (在另一台机器执行以下命令) 1 sudo apt-get install nfs-common 2. 远程mount 1 sudo mount10.141.247.133:/home/lisp/share /media/share 把远程目录mount到本地/media/share下,结果如下:
1. sudo apt update 2. 安装nfs服务:sudo apt installnfs-kernel-server 3. 设置哪个folder会被share: 4. sudo vim /etc/exports 5. 我想把整个/home folder都共享给内网的机器,需要add the following line: 6. 7. 重启服务:sudo systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server.service On client 1. sudo apt upda...
It's important that /export and /export/users have 777 permissions as we will be accessing the NFS share from the client without LDAP/NIS authentication. This will not apply if using authentication (see below).Now mount the real users directory with: # mount --bind /home/users /export/use...
Next, we will describe how to define an nfs share in the client. NFS Server Configuration Step-1: Update the Server Packages (Optional) First update the package repository: foc@ubuntu22desktop:~$ sudo apt update -y Step-2: Install NFS server package Then install the nfs-kernel-server ...
1.1: NFS- An Overview 1.2 Preconditions 1.3 Downloading and Installing the Components 1.4 Creating the Share Directory on the Host Server 1.5 Configuring the NFS Exports on the Host Server 1.6 Creating the Mount Points and Mount Remote Shares on the Client Server ...
ubuntu22 安装nfs 自定义分区 新建分区表 点击新建的空闲分区, 然后点加号 因为虚拟机设置选了UEFI , 所以先建立一个"EFI系统分区" , 设置大小,来它300兆 继续点 剩下的空闲分区, 再点加号 剩下的空间都个了根分区/没有设置/boot和swap分区, 只为做一下试验, 看能否安装...
首先安装nfs,使用如下命令: sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server 主要是修改/etc/exports文件,可以参考这篇文章:ubuntu12.04的NFS配置 我修改后的/etc/exports配置文件如下: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 #/etc/exports:the access control listforfilesystems which may be exp...
To make the remote shares available on theclient, you need to mount the directories on thehostthat you want to share to empty directories on theclient. Note:If there are files and directories in your mount point, they will become hidden as soon as you mount the NFS share. To avoid the...
nfs (works only if the computer is connected to a NFS share) file://path/to/local/directory Distribution Select the name of the distribution or the name of the distribution version. Components Select the repository section to access. Add more sections separated by spaces. Comment Add...