At UBS Wealth Management, we organize your money the right way and guide you towards a brighter future for your investments, business and family.
正确管理财富,一切皆有可能。 瑞银财富管理的使命非常简单: 我们提供指引,为您的投资、业务以及家人创造更美好的未来。 联系我们 您的目标是什么? 无论您人生的目标是什么,您需要悉心规划与投资您的财富来帮助您实现目标。选择您的目的地,我们来描绘路线图。
At UBS Wealth Management, we organize your money the right way and guide you towards a brighter future for your investments, business and family.
At UBS, our goal is to address all dimensions of your wealth so we can deliver individual wealth management solutions that serve your financial needs today, tomorrow and for generations to come. Find out more about what we offerWhat we offer ...
Daniel Leal | AFP | Getty Images LONDON —UBSon Thursday announced a shake-up of its executive board in the latest phase of a radical overhaul of the Swiss banking giant, following itstakeover of fallen rival Credit Suisse. A newly split global wealth management division, led by co-president...
表 6:注重金融科技赋能,开发多样化的财富管理平台财富管理在线平台(Wealth Management Online)美国财富管理 APP (UBS Wealth Management USA APP)结构化产品投资平台(Structured Product Investor) 客户在线上就可获取最新的投资组合信息和量身定制的解决方案,优化投资组合创新型的银行应用程序,允许美国地区财富管理客户...
瑞银全球财富管理(UBS Global Wealth Management)一项调查显示,超过50%受访的富裕投资者预期明年股市将出现大跌,正采取避险措施为可能动荡的2020年做好准备。 瑞银8月至10月对超过3400名可投资资产达到至少100万美元的世界各地投资者进行调查,结果显示,55%预计股市于明年下滑,正准备迎接明年的大规模抛售。在地缘政治风险...
UBS appoints wealth management CIO.The article announces that Alexander Friedman was appointed as chief investment officer (CIO) at UBS Wealth Management.EBSCO_bspGlobal Investor
The report, jointly published by UBS Global Wealth Management and consultancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, was titled "New Visionaries and the Chinese Century," in which Chinese entrepreneurs are hailed as the "vanguard of a new industrial revolution." ...
汇通财经APP讯——瑞银全球财富管理(UBS Global Wealth Management)首席投资长Mark Haefele称,在商业信心改善和投资复苏的推动下,这可能为股市打开进一步的上行空间 【免责声明】本文仅代表作者本人观点,与汇通财经无关。汇通财经对文中陈述、观点判断保持中立,不对所包含内容的准确性、可靠性或完整性提供任何明示或暗示...