人脸检测, 夜视, 运动检测, 声音检测, 防水, 内置警笛, 云台, 双向音频, 低功率 感应器 CMOS感光 外形 迷你相机, 泛光灯摄像头, 太阳能相机, ptz摄像机 功能点 双向音频, 云台, 异常声音检测, RESET, 内置麦克风, 夜视, 防水, 广角, 内置警笛 数据存储选项 云存储, ...
You choose whether to keep the containers on your property or in a U-Haul storage facility. The price is the exact same for either option. But still, you will be charged a monthly rental fee. Also, as long as you provide the storage facility staff at least 24-hour advance n...