第1个方法是通过SSH连接来将firmware放入到可写的文件系统,并且用命令将其刷人。 因为SSH支持文件的传输,用winscp+putty可以搞定。 第2个方法通过在电脑上搭建了一个http server,用ssh命令让openwrt从电脑上下载到firmware到板子上可写的文件系统, 并且用命令将其刷人。 第3个方法需要拆路由器,通过TTL线用命令让...
本次测试,我们通过“petalinux-boot --jtag --fpga --u-boot”命令,先将uboot下载到开发板上,然后进入uboot,通过sd卡启动内核。 上面的命令将下载fpga(system.bit)、pmu firmware、FSBL、uboot和ATF(bl31.elf)。执行结果如下图所示(下载前需要按下开发板的PS复位按键,否则会下载失败): 图12.3.7 下载u-boo...
DM8168 uboot logo load firmware Omin Chou Genius3555points Hi all, My code base was DVRRDK_04.01.00.02 and configured platform to DM8168. I wanted to change boot logo in uboot on DM8168. I had some queries need to double check. 1. May I say VPDMA firmware that decides the display res...
${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${m4fw_name};then echo Found M4 FW $m4fw_name; if load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${m4fw_addr} ${m4fw_name}; then run boot_m4fw; fi; fi;'# Update the DISTRO command to search in sub-directory and load M4 firmwareenvsetboot...
编译ATF(Arm trust firmware) ATF 主要负责在启动 U-Boot 之前把 CPU 从安全的 EL3 切换到 EL2,然后跳转到 U-Boot 下载arm-trusted-firmware git clone https://github.com/ARM-software/arm-trusted-firmware.git 编译 make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- PLAT=rk3399 ...
FIRMWARE_VER: 12.0 MACHINE_MODEL: RK3588 MACHINE_ID: 007 MANUFACTURER: RK3588 MAGIC: 0x5041524B ATAG: 0x00200800 MACHINE: NanoPi6 CHECK_MASK: 0x80 PWR_HLD: 0,0,A,0,1 TYPE: GPT CMDLINE: mtdparts=rk29xxnand:0x00002000@0x00004000(uboot),0x00002000@0x00006000(misc),0x00002000@0x0000...
// common/board_r.cvoidboard_init_r(gd_t*new_gd,ulongdest_addr){/** Set up the new global data pointer. So far only x86 does this* here.* TODO(sjg@chromium.org): Consider doing this for all archs, or* dropping the new_gd parameter.*/#if CONFIG_IS_ENABLED(X86_64)arch_setup_...
the first-level bootloader runs in OCRAM). It is used to initialize DDR and load U-Boot, U-Boot DTB, Arm trusted firmware, and TEE OS (optional) from the boot device into the memory. After SPL completes loading the images, it jumps to the Arm trusted firmware BL31 directly. The BL31...
(可选)在 64 位 SoC 上编译出the crust management processor firmware,也就是scp.bin文件.,这个文件是可选,这里我没有用这个bin文件。 编译uboot镜像uboot.bin文件通用步骤: $ export BL31=/path/to/bl31.bin # required for 64-bit SoCs $ export SCP=/path/to/scp.bin # optional for some 64-bit...
ulong start, end;/* start/end of blob */ulong image_start, image_len;/* start of image within blob, len of image */ulong load;/* load addr for the image */uint8_tcomp, type, os;/* compression, type of image, os type */uint8_tarch;/* CPU architecture */}image_info_t; ...