降级步骤1) Downgrade device to 6.0.6 beta2) Downgrade to 6.0.4 (beta)3) Downgrade to regular 5.6.64) Install elevate firmware (3.5 it's the most updated as of now)
UBNT XM.v5.0 - XM.V6.0 全系列固件 * Bullet M2/M5/Titanium * Rocket M2/M2 Titanium/M3/M365/M900/M5/M5 GPS/M5 Titanium/M6 * NanoStation M2/M3/M365/M5/M6 * NanoStation Loco M2/M900/M5 * NanoBridge M2/M3/M365/M900/M5 * AirGrid M2/M5/HP/HP New * PowerBridge M3/M365/M5/M10 ...
优倍快UBNT,airMax Xw平台 5.6.3 固件系统ubntairMaxfirmware优倍快 ubnt 优倍快2018-02-12 上传大小:6.00MB 所需:25积分/C币 UBNT5.3.5编程器固件 UBNT的编程器固件,用编程器刷入,这固件功能多很稳定不掉速 上传者:a750313193时间:2014-12-04 ubnt免拆机固件 ...
UBNT rocket m2 m5 bullet nanostation 的固件 可用来降级 降级步骤 1) Downgrade device to 6.0.6 beta 2) Downgrade to 6.0.4 (beta) 3) Downgrade to regular 5.6.6 4) Install elevate firmware (3.5 it's the most updated as of now)
UBNT XM.v5.0 - XM.V6.0 全系列固件 * Bullet M2/M5/Titanium * Rocket M2/M2 Titanium/M3/M365/M900/M5/M5 GPS/M5 Titanium/M6 * NanoStation M2/M3/M365/M5/M6 * NanoStation Loco M2/M900/M5 * NanoBridge M2/M3/M365/M900/M5 * AirGrid M2/M5/HP/HP New * PowerBridge M3/M365/M5/M10 ...
Also If I saved the configuration on a NanoM2 with firmware 5.5 could I load this on all 5.5 version AP's, Pico, Rocket etc? Thanks again Gene, You do a great job of helping people on this forum, as I hope to too. INTERNATIONAL Wi-Fi Hotspot Provider www.maiwifi.com Using only ...
Also If I saved the configuration on a NanoM2 with firmware 5.5 could I load this on all 5.5 version APs, Pico, Rocket etc? I asked this very question when I first came to the UBNT forum. I never received an answer. However... Since then, I have successfully done this between a ...
return ubnt_rocket-m and ubnt_powerbridge-m back to ath79-generic They have enough RAM-ressources to not be considered as tiny. This reverts the commit f4415f7 partially The gluon devs believe the Ubiquiti Rocket M2/M5 and PowerBridge M2/M5 devices where moved to tiny by accident. They of...
∙1 Product Options for Different Scenarios o1.1 PtP Links o1.2 PtMP ▪1.2.1 Base Station ▪1.2.2 Customer Premise Equipment (CPE)o1.3 Hotspots ∙2 Frequency Options o2.1 900MHz (M900)o2.2 2.4GHz (M2)o2.3 3.x GHz (M3-M365)o...