要安装加载项,你需要新版 Microsoft Edge。下载新版 Microsoft Edge✕主页/ 高效工作/ uBlock Origin uBlock Origin特别推荐 Nik Rolls (2.1K)10,000,000+ 个用户 高效工作 获取 与你的浏览器兼容描述 一款高效的请求过滤工具:占用极低的内存和 CPU,与其他常见的过滤器相比,它能够多加载并执行上千条...
1.首先关闭edge浏览器,打开系统设置,搜索或者自行寻找系统的语言设置,如图。 搜索结果 语言设置 2.将系统默认语言更改为英语English(United States) 3.回到桌面,重新打开edge浏览器,就会发现Copilot 按钮已经成功出现在浏览器主页了,如图。 copilot按钮 变成如图这样就说明你已经开启成功了,这时候再回到系统的语言设置...
点击uBlock Origin(uBO)的工具栏按钮时 uBO 会弹出显示以下界面: 点击电源按钮可以针对当前站点打开或者关闭 uBO。 随便打开一个网页,在该窗口中将【ublock origin】插件点击打开,可以查看到该窗口中显示出【此页面已拦截】的广告数量,以及【已连接的网络】数量和【安装后已拦截】的广告数量,说明我们该网页上的广告都...
It's like the Edge browser itself stops evaluating JavaScript.Even stranger, we've tried 130.0.2849.46 (Official build) (64-bit) beta channel, and surprisingly, that DOES work fine! We did that based on feedback in https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/3419...
uBlock Origin is installed as a regular browser extension via theChrome Web Store,Opera add-ons, orFireFox add-onswebsites. The Edge app available is from the Microsoft Store. As already noted, uBO is not available for Safari 13+, but if you are running a legacy version of Safari then ...
Microsoft, if you want the new Edge to succeed, continue to support uBlock Origin for years to come. When Chrome effectively blocks uBlock Origin some time in 2020, there's going to be millions and millions of users switching browsers. If Edge supports uBlock Origin, Edg...
In Thunderbird, uBlock Origin does not affect emails, just feeds. Chromium Chrome Web Store Microsoft Edge Add-ons(Published by:Nicole Rolls) Opera Add-ons Development Builds uBO should be compatible with any Chromium-based browser. DoNOTuse uBO with any other content blocker. uBOperformsas well...
uBlock Origin for Mac, free and safe download. uBlock Origin latest version: Be Free From Unwanted Online Ads. So, you are reading an article online w
uBOL 在安装时并不需要宽泛的“读取或修改网页数据”的权限,因此它的开箱即用功能相对于 uBlock Origin 以及其他安装时要求该权限的屏蔽工具显得较为有限。 不过,uBOL 可在您“明确”授予额外扩屏权限后,对您指定的网站采用基于 CSS/JS 注入的声明式规则加强内容过滤。 若要在特定网站授予扩展权限,请开启弹出面板...
If Microsoft Edge cause conflicts for ublock origin due to some manifest BS, I will switch to Brave browser or Firefox.Btw ublock origin has a companion extension, ublock extra, it's useful when some dirty sites use these tricks to confuse adblockers and still show the...