手机挂代理之后,火狐浏览器访问该链接下载安装uBlock Origin即可 2024/3/28
Opera(桌面;uBlock Origin) WebKit Safari(桌面;uBlock Origin 1.10.0及之后版本。) Gecko Firefox(桌面,29及之后版本;uBlock和uBlock Origin)[ Firefox for Android(移动端;uBlock和uBlock Origin) SeaMonkey(桌面;uBlock及之后版本, uBlock Origin及之后版本。) Pale Moon(桌面;uBlock及...
firefox an..firefox android怎么安装ublock origin或者adblock plus,没有办法了吗,想安静的看点小说,但弹出的动图让我淡定不下来
uBlock Origin - Chromium 和 Firefox 的高效拦截器。 又快又瘦。 uBlock Origin (uBO) 是一款适用于 Chromium 和 Firefox 的 CPU 和内存高效型广谱内容拦截器。 它可以拦截广告、跟踪器、挖矿软件、弹出窗口、烦人的反拦截器、恶意软件网站等,默认使用 EasyList、 EasyPrivacy、 Peter Lowe's Blocklist、 Online Mal...
uBlock Origin,高效的网络请求过滤工具,占用极低的内存和 CPU。这款强大的广告拦截器Chromium、Firefox、Safari内核浏览器扩展工具,自定义过滤规则语法,适用所有网站网络请求元素过滤,可以拦截恶意网站,过滤广告,保护个人隐私,和其他常见的广告过滤器相比,它能够导入并加载上千条过滤规则。
5.打开后会出现下图界面,点击管理扩展按钮,在给出的列表里面就可以看到ublock orgin的安装按钮了,按照提示点击安装即可。 扩展 管理扩展(扩展已安装完毕) 6.ublock origin配置教程,安装完毕后,在如图所示的界面点击扩展图标。 点击图标 在弹出的页面中点击打开控制面板按钮: ...
uBlock Origin Lite gives you a permission-less content blocker that blocks ads, trackers, miners, and more. It is based on MV3 technology that operates without requiring specific permissions from the user. It effectively blocks unwanted content on web pa
Firefox / Firefox for Android Firefox Add-ons web site. There is also a development version if you want to test uBlock Origin with the latest changes: see uBlock Origin Version History uBlock Origin is compatible with SeaMonkey, Pale Moon, and possibly other browsers based on Firefox. The Fire...
Firefox / Firefox for Android Firefox Add-ons web site. There is also a development version if you want to test uBlock Origin with the latest changes: see uBlock Origin Version History uBlock Origin is compatible with SeaMonkey, Pale Moon, and possibly other browsers based on Firefox. The Fire...
My first "taste" of UBlock Origin Lite has been quite pleasant. In a rather consistent fashion, the add-on delivers. It's fast, light, robust, it comes with options for regular and advanced users, and if you feel like you need the full-blown power of content blocking, you get it. ...