42 我Chrome Edge Firefox三个浏览器都在用,在虚拟机里也是用uB ublock origin一直能正确屏蔽油管的...
对于 YouTube 的反广告屏蔽,流行扩展如 uBlock Origin 和 YouTube 玩猫捉老鼠游戏,通过不断更新过滤器避开其策略。uBlock Origin 只有两名志愿者专门处理YouTube ,他们正面临愈来愈大的压力, YouTube 有可能赢得这场消耗战。 https://andadinosaur.com/youtube-s-anti-adblock-and-ublock-origin 您的赞赏是对我...
uBlock Origin 和 YouTube 在玩猫捉老鼠游戏 YouTube 开始加大力度打击广告屏蔽扩展,不过目前尚未对所有用户启用反广告屏蔽策略,它主要根据浏览器类型、用户账号、IP 等决定是否启用。如果你不登录或者使用隐私浏览模式,那么可能不会受到影响。广告屏蔽扩展只是 YouTube 打击的对象之一,隐私扩展如 Privacy Badger 和安全...
uBlock Origin version: [1.31.0] Settings It's default i think Notes I don't know what investigation work i'm supposed to do Member uBlock-user commented on Nov 29, 2020 Purge caches and force update filterlists. Member gwarser commented on Nov 29, 2020 Check you custom filters in My...
Most adblockers stopped working, but a few like uBlock Origin and AdGuard updated their filters to avoid these fake requests. Then YouTube would update their fake requests so the adblockers would fall for them. It’s been a game of cat and mouse between YouTube and the adblockers ever ...
After you download the crx file for YouTube Channel Whitelist for uBlock Origin 0.14.13, open Chrome's extensions page (chrome://extensions/or find by Chrome menu icon > More tools > Extensions), and then drag-and-drop the *.crx file to the extensions page to install it. ...
Hide YouTube Shorts List AuBlock Originfilter list to hide all traces of YouTube shorts videos. This filter list might work with other content blockers, but I haven't looked into that (yet). Copy the link below, go to uBlock Origin > Dashboard > Filters and paste the link underneath ...
首先,将以下行添加到 uBlock Origin 的“受信任的站点”选项卡中: *youtube.com/*&disableadblock=1火狐版本:https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/youtube-channel-whitelist/来源/问题:https://github.com/x0a/uBO-YouTube评分: 4.5星(共5星),共105位用户参与评分 使用人数: 7,000+ 位...
After you download the crx file for YouTube Channel Whitelist for uBlock Origin 0.9.5, open Chrome's extensions page (chrome://extensions/or find by Chrome menu icon > More tools > Extensions), and then drag-and-drop the *.crx file to the extensions page to install it. ...
Overall, uBlock Origin Lite is considered less effective when used against sites that use anti-ad blocker techniques or have scripts applied to minimize crashes, as many filters for such sites cannot be converted into rules for the declarativeNetRequest API. Users are encouraged to make their own...