Must-play games Access a collection of Ubisoft games on Xbox, including franchise favourites from Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, Tom Clancy, and more. New releases day one You won't have to wait to play the latest Ubisoft games with Premium Edition access*the moment they release. ...
今日,育碧荷兰官方澄清了该消息:Ubisoft + 服务将在未来某个时候登陆 Xbox 主机,但尚不清楚是否会成为 Xbox Game Pass 的一部分。 IT之家了解到,Ubisoft + 是育碧官方游戏订阅服务,支持免费游玩该平台上的 100 多款游戏,而且是终极版,月费 14.99 美元,目前暂未在国区开启。 今年1 月,育碧宣布 Ubisoft 订阅服...
IT之家 5 月 22 日消息,今年 1 月,育碧宣布 Ubisoft + 的订阅服务将登陆 Xbox,并将《彩虹六号》加入 Xbox Game Pass 订阅。自那以后,关于 Ubisoft+ 加入 Xbox Game Pass 的传言也越来越多。 外媒认为,就像之前的 EA Play 一样,经过大量爆料之后它最终成功加入了微软 XGP 订阅服务。此外,内部人士 @Green ...
Ubisoft 新作《彩虹六号:异种》(Rainbow Six Extraction)即将在 1 月 20 日上市,游戏届时也将登上 Xbox Game Pass、PC Game Pass 订阅服务,拥有会员的玩家可在上市日第一时间决战古菌体。 《彩虹六号:异种》是一款以《彩虹六号:围攻》世界观衍生的 PvE 生存射击游戏,玩家可扮演过往在《R6S》熟悉的干员,面对突...
电脑Game Pass 成员可以通过 Xbox 应用安装 PC 版 Game Pass 支持的任何 Ubisoft 游戏: Xbox 应用 安装应用后,通过按游戏搜索来查找所需的 Ubisoft 游戏。 选择“安装”将要求首先安装 Ubisoft Connect 应用。 安装和玩 Ubisoft 游戏需要此应用。 此体验将指导你使用 Ubisoft 帐户登录、链接 Ubisoft 和 Xbox ...
Ubisoft+的历史可以追溯到2020年,它由Uplay Plus改名而来,随后升级为Ubisoft+,并融入了革命性的云流媒体技术。这个订阅服务承诺了对育碧所有新作的无缝访问,包括高级版、DLC和季票中的丰富内容。超过百款精彩游戏随时待命,与Xbox Game Pass的阵容同样丰富。在PC平台上,Ubisoft+的月费是14.99美元,但...
Xbox Ubisoft Many games included in the Ubisoft+ Premium catalog have cross-progression features that enable you to continue game progress across platforms. Cross-progression availability varies between games and platforms. For more information on cross-progression in Ubisoft+ Premium games, go...
Play award-winning titles and new releases on day one with your gaming subscription. Enjoy 70+ games on your Xbox and get the complete Ubisoft experience with premium editions, monthly rewards and exclusive benefits.
Multi Access todayand connect your Xbox account to explore the rich worlds of Ubisoft games. A subscription costs $17.99 USD (plus tax) each month and will auto-renew until canceled. If you have more questions about using Ubisoft+ Multi Access on Xbox consoles, check out thisFAQ from Xbox....
If you subscribed to R6 Membership from the in-game store on PC, or if you access the game through Epic Games, the Xbox Game Pass or GeForce Now, you can cancel your subscription at any time from the Ubisoft Store. To cancel your subscription: Go to the Ubisoft Store and log into you...