IT之家 6 月 27 日消息,育碧近日发出公告,宣布一项对运营已久的 PC 客户端 Ubisoft Connect 的更新计划,表示全新 Ubisoft Connect PC 客户端 Beta 版本即将推送,UI 界面及交互将得到重大更新。▲ 图源 育碧 据悉,育碧表示,即将推送给用户的 Ubisoft Connect PC Beta,将对游戏库、社交功能、视频播放选项等...
育碧正在努力通过Ubisoft Connect将Stadia玩家带到PC平台上 育碧表示,他们正致力于“将你在Stadia上拥有的游戏带到PC上”。育碧在周末发布的一份声明中表示,他们没有关于这个提议的“具体细节”,但会在“晚些时候”与大家分享——以及向育碧+的Stadia订阅用户提供更多信息。育碧在推特上写道:“虽然Stadia将于2023年...
育碧之前在9月宣布,任何在云游戏平台上购买的育碧游戏将有资格转移到PC上,并承诺 "在晚些时候分享具体细节以及对Ubisoft+用户的影响"。9to5Google现在报道说,这个迁移过程在12月16日星期五悄然开始。 支持云交叉保存的游戏可能会将保存的游戏数据移植到用户的育碧连接账户上 用户已经看到游戏许可证通过Ubisoft Connect...
Redeem 100 Units to get 20% off your next purchase in the Ubisoft Store.* *Some restrictions on eligible products may apply. Please refer to theTerms of Use. Learn More Ubisoft Connect PC Access and manage your games and enhance your experience on PC through additional features such as your...
TheUbisoft Connect PCoverlay allows you toaccesssome Ubisoft Connect functions, such as your friends list or the chat, while in-game. By default, you canopenthe overlay while a game is running by pressingshiftandF2on your keyboard. You candisablethe overlay at any time f...
Uplay与Ubisoft Club合并更名为Ubisoft Connect,育碧宣布Ubisoft Connect PC Beta测试版逐步上线,测试版的界面经过了全面升级,它能像手机应用程序,以及主机和PC上的游戏内覆盖层一样,为玩家带来熟悉的外观和体验。档案页面现在包含了玩家所有跨平台游戏和动态,让好友能够发现彼此在不同设备上游玩的相同游戏。主页也同样进...
近日,育碧发布公告,透露了更新PC客户端Ubisoft Connect的计划。根据公告,全新的Ubisoft Connect PC 客户端 Beta版本将很快上线,其用户界面和交互功能都将得到大幅升级。据悉,Ubisoft Connect PC Beta 针对游戏库、社交功能、视频播放选项等功能进行了重大改变。 新版客户端注重"易交互性",采用统一的界面风格,所有可用的...
Redeem 100 Units to get 20% off your next purchase in the Ubisoft Store.* *Some restrictions on eligible products may apply. Please refer to theTerms of Use. Learn More Ubisoft Connect PC Access and manage your games and enhance your experience on PC through additional features such as your...
Redeem 100 Units to get 20% off your next purchase in the Ubisoft Store.* *Some restrictions on eligible products may apply. Please refer to theTerms of Use. Learn More Ubisoft Connect PC Access and manage your games and enhance your experience on PC through additional features such as your...