求助误点了ubiso..昨晚登不上育碧,导致我误点了offline mode,现在没有办法打开online,登不上去荣。电脑下载ubisoft connect,多次安装发现打不开。手机安装了ubisoft connect,没
Running Ubisoft Connect on the Steam Deck This section will cover everything you need to get the Ubisoft Connect client running on the Steam Deck. These steps range from installing the client, configuring it to run on the Steam Deck, and creating a directory to store your Ubisoft games on ...
In my case Ubisoft Connect start but cannot connect due to it i cannot start game and i spend whole money back cool down period fighting with ubisoft stupid launcher. Go offline also does not work . Any idea how to pass laucher. The most interesting that hacked copy of game start without...
MSI may ask you to provide a photo of the product color box showing the serial numbers. • Once your application has been approved by MSI, you will receive an email containing your code. You can redeem your game code in Ubisoft Conne...
You might have noticed recently your Ubisoft games stopped working with some kind of error message when trying to load. Thankfully it didn't take Valve long to solve, with a new release of Proton Experimental now live from August 1st with the single fix noted being "Fixed Ubisoft Connect...
Ubisoft hasreconfirmedthatWatch_Dogscan be played completely offline. Although the upcoming open-world gamedoesn’t requirean Internet connection, players who connect online will be able to enjoy extra features, like a multiplayer mode in which you can try to hack another player via contr...
No. The two words « ubisoft connect » are written only once in that order. That's in § 3 right after the part I quoted, and that's to state it "may be required to play and access online services and features". So it tells nothing about offline play. ... wh...
After first going offline on Friday night, PlayStation Network came back online Saturday evening. The 20+ hour downtime makes it one of the longest PSN outages in history. Despite the PlayStation Status page showing green lights across the board, it took several hours before all services...
All decision-making for optimum blending is done offline, pre-computing all this metadata for speed at run-time.With the pose-matching portion of decision-making done, the next task was how to maintain a desired trajectory. To calculate this, one must check where an anim brings you if you...