如果您被要求在 Ubisoft Connect PC 或 Steam 平台上提供游戏密钥,这可能意味着您当前使用的育碧账户或Steam帐户并非兑换该游戏的账户。 该问题原因取决于您启动游戏的软件平台: Steam当您从Steam启动一款育碧游戏时,Ubisoft Connect PC 就会随游戏一同启动。若您登录至 Ubisoft Connect PC...
Alternatively, when first launching someolder games, Steam will automatically display any CD key needed for further activation. Please note that some games may not have the option to display the CD key in Steam. Associated Purchases and SubscriptionActivationPC ...
Check activation guide Can't be activated in:unitedStates Check country restrictions Region:EUROPE Type:Key Edition: Some decisions need to be made quickly. Especially when we are in the heat of battle. How will you handle the fight?
Check activation guide Can't be activated in:unitedStates Check country restrictions Region:EUROPE Type:Key Edition: Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint is third-person tactical shooter video game for PC developed by Ubisoft Paris and published by Ubisoft. It’s the 11th installment of the...
Activation with Ubisoft Connect Ubisoftalso uses its own platform for their PC games. As with Steam and Origin, you need to download a client (Ubisoft Connect and create aUbisoft account.Ubisoft Connect is not yet available for the Mac. If your game needs Ubisoft Connect, you can see in th...
硬盘版必须安装必备组件Uplay启动uplay记得设置始终以离线模式运行贴内的汉化截图来自一台win 7 64位的机器游戏由于已经解锁了DLC 导致战役模式全部关卡已解锁 默认进战役模式是最后一关 想玩教学请自行从第一关开始DLC内容可存档不能读档是TiNYiSO组的全DLC解锁补丁本身有问题 就算还原英文也是只能存档不能读档 非...
The key words here are "use services". Which a game is a service. You may wish to ignore that but as they defined that in section 1. This allows them to say "game" if they want to, but "services" if they don't. Perhaps this is my fault, as the section I quot...
If Rainbow Six Siege is prompting you for an activation code, it may be due to a linking issue between your Steam and Ubisoft accounts. When purchasing through Steam, your game should automatically link to your Ubisoft account. However, if it is requesting an activation code, ensure that your...
If Rainbow Six Siege is prompting you for an activation code, it may be due to a linking issue between your Steam and Ubisoft accounts. When purchasing through Steam, your game should automatically link to your Ubisoft account. However, if it is requesting an activation code, ensure that your...