Windows XP/Vista/7, 上周下载: 203 附加要求 没 Ubiquiti UniFiv2.3.9 管理和访问多个无线访问点 Ubiquiti UniFi 截图 Ubiquiti UniFi 编辑评价 Ubiquiti UniFir可以使用Web浏览器通过任何设备进行访问。 UniFi控制器使管理员可以立即配置数千个UniFi AP,映射网络,快速管理系统流量以及进一步配置单个UniFi AP设备。它...
Ubiquiti UniFir可以使用Web浏览器通过任何设备进行访问。 UniFi控制器使管理员可以立即配置数千个UniFi AP,映射网络,快速管理系统流量以及进一步配置单个UniFi AP设备。它具有访客门户或热点支持,Google Maps集成,事件和警报,一个UniFied网络,L3可管理性,零越区漫游以及详细分析功能。
现在,Microsoft Sentinel 中的“通过 AMA 的通用事件格式 (CEF)”、“通过 AMA 的 Syslog”或“通过 AMA 的自定义日志”数据连接器支持从许多设备收集日志。 如需详细信息,请参阅查找 Microsoft Sentinel 数据连接器。 Ubiquiti UniFi数据连接器提供将Ubiquiti UniFi 防火墙、dns、ssh、AP 事件引入 Microsoft Sentinel...
Chapter2:UsingtheUniFiControllerSoftware...5 InterfaceTabs...5 CommonInterfaceOptions...5 Chapter3:MapTab...15 AddingCustomMaps...
sudo apt-get install unifi Download UniFi Controller for Mac UniFi Controller for Windows UniFi Controller for Linux (Debian/Ubuntu) Zipped Package is also provide for DIYers. See readme.txt for details.) unifi_sh_api(shell library)...
NOTE:The UISP Cloud controller is deleted from theCloud Access Portal. Run the command below as asudouser to completely stop the UISP service and remove all UISP docker containers. sudo /home/unms/app/unms-cli stop This command will not remove your settings or data. If you want to remove...
UniFi OS 控制台 Wi-Fi 交换 视频监控 电话系统 门禁 配件运营商 支持 UniFi Portal 购买 软件下载 公司 联系我们 培训 课程 日历 培训师 成为培训师 立即购买 Ubiquiti 官方商城 天猫官方旗舰店 寻找分销商 成为分销商 咨询合作 实用工具 WiFiman UISP UniFi Design Center UISP Design ...
Connect Ubiquiti UniFi Dream Machine to Azure VPN A couple of days ago I got a Ubiquiti UniFi Dream Machine, which is an all-in-one device with an access point, 4-port switch, and a security gateway. After the basic setup, I wanted to connect my Ubiquiti UniFi Dream Machine USG ...
When using a self-hosted UniFi Network Server on Windows, the UniFi Network Application needs to be able to communicate with the UniFi...
UniFiTooling This is an beta version for an PowerShell Module for the UbiquitiUBNT SDN Controller API. I started this module as an internal helper for many automated updates for my UniFi Security Gateway Firewall Rules and do a few other things (automated). I migrated everything into a regul...