Shop All Ubiquiti Networks Products Ubiquiti Network Gateway Lite (UXG-Lite) (9) Write a Review Options: Gateway Lite Gateway Lite Gateway Pro CloudKey Enterprise A compact and powerful UniFi gateway with a full suite of advanced routing and security features. Up to 10x routing performance ...
Shop AllUbiquiti NetworksProducts (9)Write a Review Options:Gateway Lite Gateway Lite Gateway Pro CloudKey Enterprise A compact and powerful UniFi gateway with a full suite of advanced routing and security features. Up to 10x routing performance increase over USG (tested with IPS/IDS, QoS, and ...
UniFi Pro gear will cost more and you'll need stuff to start out and it won't always feel intuitive as you plan your system. It is worth it and I'm thrilled with the result. The flexibility and customizability its offered has been epic. There...
Ubiquiti Networks - Enterprise Scalable, Reliable, High Performance Wi Fi. Is the revolutionary Wi-Fi system that combines Enterprise performance, unlimited scalability, a central management controller and disruptive pricing. Is the revolutionary Wi-Fi system that combines En...
Gateway Lite UXG-Lite 120,00 € A compact and powerful UniFi gateway with a full suite of advanced routing and security features. Up to 10x routing performance increase over USG (tested with IPS/IDS, QoS, and Smart Queues) Managed with a CloudKey, Official UniFi Hosting, or UniFi Network ...
优倍快 UniFi AC Lite AP是一款结合了高性能与高性价比的企业级吸顶式无线接入点(AP),特别适用于需要稳定、快速Wi-Fi连接的企业和家庭环境。首先,这款无线AP的外观设计非常精致,采用了先进的制造工艺,外观简洁大方,不仅提升了整体的美观度,还增强了设备的耐用性和稳定性,能够适应各种环境和气候...
Ubiquiti Networks 优倍快 UniFi Gateway Lite 千兆网关路由器 USB-C 电源端口 1GB图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
UniFi AC Lite AP 是 Ubiquiti/优倍快 的明星产品之一,以其卓越的性价比和出色的性能赢得了市场的青睐。这款路由器采用了最新的 Wi-Fi 802.11ac 协议,确保了高速稳定的无线连接。其支持双频段(2.4GHz 和 5GHz),能够满足各类设备的连接需求。在设计上,UniFi AC Lite AP 拥有简约而不失时尚的...
IT 管理,手到擒来 UniFi 将会被打造成一款真正的多应用 IT 管理系统平台,企业网所需功能尽揽其中,无所不能,将大幅节省管理人员跨平台使用成本。 Network Protect Talk Access Connect
UniFiAP AC LITE是一款专为各种应用场景设计的高效无线接入设备,包括学校、医院以及商业场所等。它采用了先进的Multi-Lane RF技术,支持2.4G和5G双频段传输,能够有效隔离工作信道并抑制干扰,确保在高数据流量情况下依然能保持高速稳定的传输。该设备的管理方式相当便捷,用户可以通过多种设备的浏览器直接...