Ubiquiti Unifi UAP-AC-LR Long Range Access Point. 450 Mbps on 2.4 Ghz. 867 Mbps on 5 Ghz. Range up to 183m (600 ft). 2x2 MIMO technology.
Backhaul 系列 Access Points 系列 Client 系列 airFiber 系列 airMAX 系列 airMAX ac 系列 EdgeMAX 系列 UniFi 系列 UniFi VIDEO 系列 UniFi VoIP 系列 TOUGH 系列CCR 系列路由器 CRS 系列交换机 RB260 系列交换机 RB系列路由器 802.11n无线网桥 802.11ac无线网桥 RB系列主板 无线射频卡 SFP/SFP+ 模块 外壳 ...
6.将UniFi 控制器语言设为中文 7.UBNT UniFi Protect家族参数对比一览表 8.UniFi Cloud Key控制器设置教程 9.NAS上安装UniFi控制器完全教程 10.UniFi UDM-PRO旁路控制器设置完全教程 更多教程请关注本站微信公众号,订阅UBNT教程,更详细更全面的专业教程! 标签: Ubiquiti UniFi UAP-AC-LR 相关截图添加图片 资源...
The UniFi AC Pro access point (and all of the UniFi AP range) is controlled and managed by the UniFi Network Controller Software, an intuitive and user-friendly application, which can be installed on your smartphone or PC. Once installed, set-up of the UAP AC PRO is a breeze, allowing ...
UBNT优倍快UAP-AC-Lite吸顶式UniFi千兆双频WiFi5无线瘦AP Ubiquiti UAP-AC-PRO[WiFi5]图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
UAP-AC-Lite: Compact UAP-AC-LR: Long range UAP-AC-Pro: More throughput UAP-AC-HD: Most throughput, MU-MIMO If you are unable to run cables to each of your devices, then Ubiquiti UniFi Mesh may be able to help out. Ubiquiti UniFi Mesh ...
UAP-AC-LR 99,00 € Sold Out 118,80 € VAT incl. Ceiling-mounted WiFi 5 AP with 5 spatial streams and extended signal range. WiFi 5 5 spatial streams 185 m² (2,000 ft²) coverage 250+ connected devices Powered using PoE*
Ubiquiti U6-Mesh-Pro - Next-Generation Wi-Fi 6 Mesh Access Point Ubiquiti Networks UniFi UAP-AC-PRO, 3dBi, 22dBm, 450Mbps, 4GHz & 3dBi - White- $27255 current price $272.55 Ubiquiti Networks UniFi UAP-AC-PRO, 3dBi, 22dBm, 450Mbps, 4GHz & 3dBi - White- ...
Remotely access the UniFi Controller to upgrade deployed UniFi APs while in the field. UAP-AC-LITE UAP-AC-LR UAP-AC-PRO UAP-AC-EDU UAP-HD Dimensions ∅160 x 31.45 mm ∅175.7 x 43.2 mm ∅196.7 x 35 mm ∅287.5 x 125.9 mm ∅220...
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