文章目录 1.在创建maven项目时有无勾选create a simple project创建出来的项目目录的区别 2.关于创建时的groupId问题 3.pom.xml的war标红:web.xml is missing and is set to true 4.新建maven项目里的.jsp文件标红:The superclass "javax.servlet.http.HttpServ...Face...
Zynga 创始人 Mark Pincus、通用集团前副主席 Steve Girsky,MAVEN 前 CEO Julia Steyn,以及软银愿景基...
01. 领先的汽车分时租赁平台 本轮领投方及主导投资人为 People Fund 联合创始人兼 CEO Matias de Tezanos,跟投方(或主导投资人)包括领英创始人 Reid Hoffman、Zynga 创始人 Mark Pincus、通用集团前副主席 Steve Girsky,MAVEN 前 CEO Julia Steyn,以及软银愿景基金、Braemar,Asset Plus,Bpifrance,Cathay Innovation,...
It is a server-based system that supports SCM tools including AccuRev, CVS, Subversion, Git, Mercurial, Perforce, Clearcase and RTC, and can execute Apache Ant and Apache Maven based projects as well as arbitrary shell scripts and Windows batch commands. Released under the MIT License, Jenkins...