请查看优步帮助资源,或联系我们解决与产品和服务相关的问题,包括优步行程、Uber Eats 优食、优步企业版或合作车主等方面的问题。
We’re here to help. Looking for customer service contact information? Explore support resources for the relevant products below to find the best way to reach out about your issue. Riders Driving & Delivering Uber Eats Merchants & Restaurants ,, Bikes & Scooters Uber for Business Freight ...
如需与客服代表通话,请前往车主端中的帮助,然后找到您遇到的问题,查看可用的客服选项。 打开车主端我们致力于满足您的需求 使用优步车主端开车接单的合作车主曾提出,希望能够在需要帮助或有疑问时通过电话联系我们。根据他们的反馈,优步现向合作车主提供电话客服选项,无论他们是否正在开车接单,都能获取客服帮助。 无...
车主端入门指南 了解与通过优步车主端完成行程的方法以及查看收入的地方等相关信息。 了解详情 帮助中心 浏览来自合作车主的常见问题。 获取帮助 实时在线对话 与客服代表在线对话,获取及时便捷的帮助。 与我们联系 注册成为合作车主 注册成为派送员 简体中文
Uber’s support team is typically faster at responding than Lyft; however, if you’re looking for the best ways to quickly contact Uber and resolve your matter, keep reading. 6 Ways How to Contact Uber Customer Service If your closest Uber Hub isn’t convenient, there are plenty of opportu...
Learn why Uber chose Zendesk Support as its customer service software. With Zendesk Chat, Uber handles 30K+ contacts per week for an avg. CSAT of 95%.
To use this taxi app, you must firstregister for the service. You'll need to enter your personal information like name, email address, phone number, bank details, and PayPal account, as well as set up a password. Once connected, a map appears with your location. Calling a driver is ver...
if the vouchers are not going through that is going to screw me and a bunch of other people over. I do not have an option to get my driver’s license ( long story). I get that there is only so much that can be done. Thank you for providing transportation and customer service. ...
To use this taxi app, you must first register for the service. You'll need to enter your personal information like name, email address, phone number, bank details, and PayPal account, as well as set up a password. Once connected, a map appears with your location. Calling a driver is ...
But if you are heading to an airport, Uber is almost always a less expensive choice than a cab, especially for airports that are located farther outside a city.4 The bottom line: Uber can be less expensive than a taxi or car service, but not consistently. One point in its favor, thou...