Here, you’ll find a lot of good basic information whether you’re a rider, driver, eater (Uber Eats customer), or restaurant (Uber Eats partner).The Uber website has much of the same functionality as the driver app, though, so if you prefer the app, you’re not missing out on ...
貴公司同意只能依據本產品附錄、一般條款和最終使用者條款規定使用 Uber 服務和 Uber App 或 Uber Eats App,並應促使各授權使用者亦為之;然而,有關 Uber 服務採用 Central結帳之貴公司或任何 Central 授權使用者,若本產品附錄、一般條款和最終使用者條款之間互相牴觸時,應依序適用本產品附錄條款、一般條款、...
1.1. “Active Account” means an account of an Authorised User that has: (i) been installed or accessed through the Uber App or the Uber Eats App on a compatible mobile device, (ii) registered for and maintained during the Term an active personal user account for the Uber Services, which...
You have to make a decision right now. If you want more information thengrab my ultimate Uber guide. If you're ready to drive,sign up now. You can alsosign up with Uber Eatsto deliver food on your bike. Either way, please contact me for help. I'm here for you if you have any ...
⛔️Important:Select Credit or Bypass PIN to receive cash back for qualifying purchases. Selecting Debit or entering your PIN number will disqualify your purchase from earning cash back. Save more with Upside Claim Upside rewards straight from the Driver app and have cash back deposited to your...
Uber Eats是一個(1)連接您與商家合作夥伴(「商家合作夥伴」)以訂購餐食、飲品及其他商品(「商品」)之科技平台;及(2) 由優食台灣或商家合作夥伴提供商品外送予您之平台。 當UPBV僅提供您應用程式使用權限時,您得下訂單訂購商品。您得要求商品進行外送。您亦得透過應用程式對無需使用外送服務之商品下訂單(如本...
1.1.「啟用中帳戶」 係以下的授權使用者帳戶:(i) 已在相容的行動裝置上安裝或透過 Uber App 或 Uber Eats App 存取,(ii) 於有效期間註冊並擁有 Uber 服務的有效個人使用者帳戶,該帳戶需要輸入特定個人資料和個人信用卡號碼;(iii) 已確認在 Uber App 或 Uber Eats App 註冊流程提供的手機號碼。
maintained during the Term an active personal user account for the Uber Services, which registration requires the entry of certain personally identifiable information and a personal credit card number, and (iii) confirmed the mobile number provided during the Uber App or Uber Eats App registra...
1.1. “Active Account” means an account of an Authorised User that has: (i) been installed or accessed through the Uber App or the Uber Eats App on a compatible mobile device, (ii) registered for and maintained during the Term an active personal user account for the Uber Services, which...
Uber Eats是一個(1)連接您與商家合作夥伴(「商家合作夥伴」)以訂購餐食、飲品及其他商品(「商品」)之科技平台;及(2) 由優食台灣或商家合作夥伴提供商品外送予您之平台。 當UPBV僅提供您應用程式使用權限時,您得下訂單訂購商品。您得要求商品進行外送。您亦得透過應用程式對無需使用外送服務之商品下訂單(如本...