Manage your restaurant or store anytime, anywhere. Uber Eats Manager is a trusted business partner in your pocket. Access live data for all your retail locations and act quickly to resolve issues and respond to customers. It’s the innovation you need to reach new customers and keep them com...
無論身處何地,只要有訊號或網路連線,Uber Eats 管理後台都能協助您輕鬆經營業務。 更多 新內容 版本紀錄 版本1.160.10000 New and Improved Mobile Experience! We're excited to unveil a completely revamped Uber Eats Manager (UEM) app, designed with you, our valued merchant partners, in mind. ...
Give your team access to Uber Eats Manager by adding users and assigning roles with different levels of access, so they can help run your store. What are the Eats Manager roles There are 3 roles in Uber Eats Manager: Admin, Manager, and Staff. Admin Full access in...
交通服务由独立的第三方服务提供商直接向寻求交通服务的最终用户提供。UT LLC 及其任何附属公司均不赚取交通相关车费。为避免产生疑问,在此澄清:使用“客户”一词指代这些最终用户并不意味着优步与这些最终用户之间在任何情况下(包括但不限于韩国法律或会计准则的任何方面)存在客户关系。
Navigate to theOrderstab in Uber Eats Manager Filter orders using theStore refundedoption Select an order you wish to dispute Fill out the form and submit your request To find and track your dispute requests, filter to theRefund disputedtag ...
通过Uber Eats 优食应用吸引顾客,并利用应用平台全面管理派送,还可选择自行派送和自取。 了解派送和自取业务 Uber Direct 通过您的网站或应用为顾客提供当天或次日快速派送服务,并使用您自己的品牌完成整个交易过程。 详细了解 Uber Direct 简体中文 San Francisco Bay Area...
Uber Eats Orders app This tablet or desktop dashboard is your go-to place to manage most aspects of your storefront’s ordering needs, delivery tracking tools, and business hours. Uber Eats Manager This app helps you monitor your storefront by tracking performance data, marketing campaigns, pay...
创建“故事”时,贵餐厅会显示在 Uber Eats 优食动态的顶部,您可以通过该功能宣传贵餐厅、开展优惠活动或推荐新餐点。首先,点击管理工具门户中的创建故事。 “我们的外卖和派送业务蓬勃发展,Uber Eats 优食对于我们的成功起到了至关重要的作用。” Jeffrey Merrihue,Heroic Italian 所有者 ...
汇通财经APP讯——UBER为餐厅运营商推出了UBER EATS MANAGER应用 【免责声明】本文仅代表作者本人观点,与汇通财经无关。汇通财经对文中陈述、观点判断保持中立,不对所包含内容的准确性、可靠性或完整性提供任何明示或暗示的保证,且不构成任何投资建议,请读者仅作参考,并自行承担全部风险与责任。 下载汇通财经APP,...
Uber Eats makes it easy to order food delivery online or through the app and have it delivered by restaurants and delivery people near you. Or, schedule your order in advance for a delivery person to pick it up later. Your choice!