在澳大利亚通过 Uber Eats 优食赚取派送收入的热门城市 澳大利亚首都特区 堪培拉 新南威尔士州 纽卡斯尔 悉尼 北领地 达尔文 昆士兰州 布里斯班 黄金海岸 南澳大利亚 阿德莱德 塔斯马尼亚州 霍巴特 维多利亚州 墨尔本 西澳大利亚州 珀斯 通过应用提供派送服务 下载优步车主端 ...
您所在的城市提供 Uber Eats 优食服务吗?要开始送餐,步骤非常简单。如果您有有效的合作车主账号,就也可以提供派送服务。查看这些建议,以便在车主端接收派送派单。 马上开始 已经有账号?登录 1. 轻触地图屏幕底部的状态栏。 2. 选择屏幕底部的设置图标,以进入“开车接单偏好设置”。
平台 通过Uber Eats 优食应用吸引顾客,并利用应用平台全面管理派送,还可选择自行派送和自取。 了解派送和自取业务 Uber Direct 通过您的网站或应用为顾客提供当天或次日快速派送服务,并使用您自己的品牌完成整个交易过程。 详细了解 Uber Direct 立即注册 获取帮助 ...
"Welcome to Uber Eats restaurant and merchant support. In order to identify your store, we need the phone number to your in order to identify your store, we need the phone number registered to your store's account. If you know this number, press one. If not, press two. You can find...
Delegation at Uber Eats This help article applies to Delivery Persons in Canada only We understand that flexibility is important for you, and that includes deciding when to work and what trips you want to take, which is why now you can nominate someone to deliver ...
使用Uber Eats 优食平台拓展您的业务。超过 82.5 万家餐厅、零售店、生鲜杂货店、花店、酒行等商家在使用我们的平台。加入他们的行列,触及更多顾客。
使用Uber Eats 优食平台拓展您的业务。超过 82.5 万家餐厅、零售店、生鲜杂货店、花店、酒行等商家在使用我们的平台。加入他们的行列,触及更多顾客。
Uber Eats makes it easy to order food delivery online or through the app and have it delivered from restaurants by delivery people near you. Or, schedule your order in advance for a delivery person to pick it up later. Your choice!
Why can’t I see the real phone number associated with the Uber Eats customer? Canada In Canada, customer phone numbers are anonymized. In applicable markets, you will have access to a hotline number and a unique 8-digit PIN that will connect you to the customer....
According to the company, the number of trips during the pandemic decreased by about 80%. But the food delivery service was in great demand. In the first quarter, Uber Eats noted significant growth: the service earned $4.68 billion, that is, 52% more than in the same quarter a year ago...