优食餐厅Uber Eats Orders官方版 v30.99.10000更新:2024-03-20 17:48大小:104.9M 类别:办公.阅读.学习系统:Android 普通下载 安全下载需下载应用市场 说明:安全下载是通过360助手获取所需应用,安全绿色便捷。远程优食餐厅是一款非常优质的工作办公软件,应用非常强大,开单、销售、订单处理、客户信息等只需这一个app...
Uber gift cards can also be used for Uber Eats orders. Enjoy food from thousands of restaurants in cities around the world. 通过Uber Eats 优食订餐 更多礼品卡购买方式 帮公司采购 礼品卡是感谢客户和奖励团队成员的好方法。通过我们的公司门户网站,可同时购买超过 10 张礼品卡。
Looking to order now? Find Uber Eats here: https://jme7v.app.goo.gl/u4Fw Manage orders for your business on any device. This app allows you to manage your business’s orders on Uber Eats in a single, centralized place. Whether you’d rather have a single device in your store or an...
Uber Eats 优食订单管理应用是一款基于平板电脑的应用,使用它您可以轻松接受和管理收到的订单、追踪派送进度、更新营业时间,并轻松调整商品供应情况。 了解详情 了解您的整体业务动态 Uber Eats 优食订单管理应用 您可以使用此平板电脑或台式电脑管理面板来管理与店面订购需求、派送追踪工具和营业时间相关的大多数事务。
Request a Plus Card by tappinghere(make sure you have the latest version of Uber’s Driver app downloaded). Step 2: Activate your Plus Card Activate it by following the step-by-step instructions. Step 3: Complete an order Accept requests for Shop & Deliver orders as you please, and take...
通过Uber Eats 优食订单管理应用轻松管理订单 全程管理订单 您可以接受新订单和预约订单,在订单商品准备就绪(可供领取)时提醒附近的派送员,延迟或取消订单。所有操作都可在一处完成。 实时追踪派送进度 查看系统为订单分配的派送员和其联系信息,了解其到达时间,或查看其等待领取订单商品所花费的时间。
The driver mixed up orders and ended up delivering our order to another client. A girl from the Uber Eats call centre called me saying that I didn’t need to worry because I wouldn’t be charged for it and simply said BYE. Didn’t let me make any questions, I asked her to wait ca...
Uber Eats 优食在世界各地为您提供餐点派送服务,其中包括澳大利亚、比利时、巴西、加拿大、哥伦比亚、法国、日本、印度、墨西哥、新西兰、波兰、俄罗斯、南非、西班牙、中国台湾、阿拉伯联合酋长国、英国和美国等。 没有您的城市?希望很快能在您的城市推出!请前往 https://about.ubereats.com/cities/ 获取已推出该服务的...
For $9.99 per month + applicable taxes, Uber One subscribers enjoy $0 Delivery Fee and up to 5% off $15 from participating restaurants and merchants (other than grocery stores where you can get 5% off orders of $40) available on Uber Eats. Members are also eligible for rewards, perks, co...
Uber Eats Orders app This tablet or desktop dashboard is your go-to place to manage most aspects of your storefront’s ordering needs, delivery tracking tools, and business hours. Uber Eats Manager This app helps you monitor your storefront by tracking performance data, marketing campaigns, pay...