Uber lavora incessantemente per il futuro dei pagamenti, consentendo ai clienti di pagare con le modalità che preferiscono senza compromettere prestazioni o affidabilità e, al contempo, riducendo i costi.
Have your favorite Panamá restaurant food delivered to your door with Uber Eats. Whether you want to order breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a snack, Uber Eats makes it easy to discover new and nearby places to eat in Panamá. Browse tons of food delivery options, place your order, and track...
Uber siempre está trabajando en el futuro de los pagos, permitiendo a los clientes pagar con sus métodos de pago preferidos sin comprometer el rendimiento o la confiabilidad, al mismo tiempo que reduce costos.
Have your favorite Villahermosa restaurant food delivered to your door with Uber Eats. Whether you want to order breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a snack, Uber Eats makes it easy to discover new and nearby places to eat in Villahermosa. Browse tons of food delivery options, place your order, an...
Any Uber Cash that wasn't purchased is non-refundable. This includes promotional credits earned and amounts received from customer support.
此事仍将由经济防卫行政委员会进行分析评估。但优食(Uber Eats)的状况目前没有任何变化:从本周二(8日)起,该业务在巴西停止运营。 译者:Cao 原文来源: https://tecnoblog.net/noticias/2022/03/07/uber-eats-encerra-entrega-de-restaurantes-no-brasil-e-culpa-ifood/ ...
与此同时,沃尔玛、亚马逊、Uber Eats、美国同城快递公司Postmates、西班牙外卖、速递公司Glovo都在这两年密集进入拉美。预计在2019年,这一领域的投资、整合会继续成为热点。 十、OLX在全球范围内战略收缩 成立于2006年的OLX是全球最大的信息分类网站,在45个国家都有自己的网站,是印度、巴西、巴基斯坦、保加利亚、波兰、葡...
【南美侨报网编译张裕4月2日报道】优步公司(Uber)宣布,自本月1日起扩大在巴西的送货范围,外卖软件“优食”(Uber Eats)将为用户提供国内领先宠物护理连锁店Cobasi以及连锁药房Pague Menos的商品送货服务。 巴西EXAME网站报道,该公司还宣布,下周一(6日)起分属于Shell Select连锁便利店和Shell连锁加油站的30家商店也会...
Inc. Uber will significantly expand its use of Stripe’spayments platform. Uber ampliará significativamente su uso de laplataforma de pagosde Stripe, incluso en los Estados Unidos, para reducir costos y ofrecer a los clientes formás más flexibles de pagar los viajes en Uber y Uber Eats. ...
Uber utiliza Stripe para procesar pagos con tarjeta coneftposen Australia y conJCBen Japón. Stripe ahora es un socio estratégico de pagos para Uber en muchos de sus mercados principales, entre los que se incluyen Canadá, Reino Unido, Francia, Malta, México, Brasil, Australia, Japón y Es...