Become an Uber One member for savings and exclusive perks on Uber and Uber Eats. Sign up for just $9.99/month. Sign up to save It’s easier in the apps Download the Uber app Scan to download Download the Driver app Scan to download ...
Get a ride in minutes. Or become a driver and earn money on your schedule. Uber is finding you better ways to move, work, and succeed in United States.
The average Uber driver in the United States makes$37,702 a year. This might be enough for a single person in a low-cost area, but for most people, Uber income is supplemental, not enough to live on. So if you want to survive on just rideshare income, you may need to drive for U...
Revealing details only once a driver had accepted a trip was seen as a way to ensure riders would get picked up promptly, and not be snubbed because they were headed to locations deemed undesirable by drivers. But Khosrowshahi said drivers have made it clear that they want more flexibility an...
It said that though the algorithms for Uber's car-hailing system were "blind" to race, gender and sexuality, they did not take into account differences in driver behavior, which can vary between men and women. One of the reasons for the earning gap, the report said, is that men drive ...
Many states, cities, and airports also regulate the provision of certain services, including ridesharing services, on the Uber Marketplace Platform. If your driver or delivery person account is not in compliance with applicable regulatory requirements, we may be required to remove your access to the...
Uber passengers often forget things inside the cars of their drivers. The most commonly found item is a phone. The app has an option now that allows passengers to “Contact my driver about a lost item” to make arrangements to retrieve whatever has been left behind. ...
Uber did not expect the change in driver compensation to affect its net income this year, the company said in a US regulatory filing. "We've come to recognise that platforms like ours will work differently in different countries," Uber chief executive Dara Khosrowshahi said in an editorial pub...
Minimum Requirements to Become an Uber Driver The process to become an Uber driver starts with filling out the application on Uber’s website. The requirements for drivers in the United States are listed below. Be aware that different countries and some cities and states within the U.S. may...
Uber offers riders the convenience of an easy-to-use app, safety, and reliable quality. For drivers, it provides flexibility and a range of perks, like immediate payouts, the right to keep 100% of tips, andsimple driver requirements. ...