Phone number:18003141647 24 hours a day, 7 days a week South Africa Please log in to your Uber account to view our support phone number Please log in to your Uber account to view our support contact info ...
and Mexico) * Europe Germany, UK France, Italy and Russia etc. * Asia-Pacific (China Japan, Korea, India and Australia) * Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Turkey etc.) * South America (Brazil (Argentina), Columbia etc. * Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabian, UAE, Egypt...
YER (﷼)Yemen Rial ZAR (R)South Africa Rand ZWD (Z$)Zimbabwe Dollar If your currency is missing, kindly Contact Us, we will add it for you.Server Requirement A Linux Web Hosting Server with generic configurations will work fine. Specific requirement will be send upon request.Paid...
Salma/ United Kingdom, India (Director: Kim Longinotto) — When Salma, a young girl in South India, reached puberty, her parents locked her away. Millions of girls all over the world share the same fate. Twenty-five years later, Salma has fought her way back to the outside world. ...
Ridesharing App for Kids based in South Africa Safe and reliable kid rides tailored to your unique schedule and needs. Get a Soccermom to drive your kids and get rid of the stress! Not just another shuttle service: we introduce a permanent Soccermom to your family, to drive only your kids...
South Africa Paygate Switzerland oonex Tanzania Paygate Thailand Omise Trinidad and Tobago PowerTranz Turkey Iyzico Payu Turks And Caicos Islands Plugnpay Uganda Paygate USA Squareup Venezuela Paymentez World Wide Stripe Zambia Paygate Zimbabwe ...
Digital Consultants at UberBrains brings over twenty plus years of experience working with the global teams in United States, UK, France, Belgium, Israel, South Africa, Hong-Kong, Singapore, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. Providing services and solutions surrounding Project Delivery Management, Di...
Sweden. Volvo Cars head office for China is located in Shanghai. The company’s main car production plants are located in Gothenburg (Sweden), Ghent (Belgium), South Carolina (US), Chengdu and Daqing (China), while engines are manufactured in Skövde (Sweden...
Careem operates in 13 countries across the Middle East, North Africa, and Pakistan and is valued at around $1 billion. Careem -- which operates in 13 countries across the Middle East, North Africa, and Pakistan -- has launched a series of 90-minute-long training sessions in Saudi, target...
Uber serves hundreds of cities in dozens of countries, including the U.S. and Canada, as well as other cities around the globe in Central and South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and the EU. Depending on your location, Uber may be your only taxi alternative option. In ...