Following these steps may help to keep you safe and well-equipped to begin your unique San Antonio car accident claim. After you have sought medical attention, contact a Zinda Law Group attorney in your area to begin your case. A Zinda Law Group San Antonio Lyft accident lawyer can investiga...
Uber and Lyft's lawyers said during a hearing regarding the injunction last week that while drivers are crucial to ride-hailing, they're not core to the companies' businesses. Uber's lawyer said the company is a technology platform, not a transportation provider. Related stori...
Locating the correct attorney to take an Uber or Lyft personal injury case is critical to the process. Confirm that your lawyer takes cases to court and ask how they settle claims prior to trial. All big insurance companies are aware of which advocates file proceedings, and which merely seek ...
And if you need to, you can contact aUber car accident lawyer here. What Happens If I Get Into an Accident Driving for Uber or Lyft with a Rental Car? Bryant Greening ofLegal Rideshareencourages drivers to move swiftly and avoid keeping the rented vehicle in their possession for an extended...
lawyer you may also harm your rights as a victim. Also, your opportunity to seek substantial financial compensation for your injuries may be lessened under certain circumstances you may have unknowingly or knowingly practiced. For instance, if you “flagged down” an Uber or Lyft driver, you ...
If you’ve been injured in anUber or Lyft accident, contact thebest Los Angeles Uber crash lawyerfrom DLG today for a free, confidential, and no obligation consultation. Uber and Lyft Crash Questions Answered How much will I get from my Uber or Lyft accident settlement?
1. What are common types of Uber accidents and injuries? 2. Who can injury victims sue following an Uber accident? 3. How does compensation work in an Uber case? 4. What is the role of an Uber accident lawyer? 5. What are the benefits of an Uber accident attorney? Our Uber accident...
Many have argued that a co-op isn’t practical as a competitor to a goliath like Uber. But Janelle Orsi, an Oakland-based lawyer who specializes in sharing economy issues, still believes it could work. “The companies themselves have very few assets,” she told me in an interview last ye...
Rohit Singla, a lawyer for Lyft, during a Thursday pre-trial hearing said his client’s “current business cannot support drivers as employees, is not set up for that and wouldn’t work that way.” The case is going to trial a week after Massachusetts’ highest court heard arguments over...
Lawyer: Uber has been ‘keeping this story quiet’ Jeanne Christensen, an attorney with law firm Wigdor LLP, has been pursuing Uber rape and assault cases since 2015 when her firm filed a lawsuit after a high-profile rape case in New Delhi. The Uber driver, who had a previous record th...