幾分鐘內即可上車出發。您也可以成為職業駕駛,自由安排時間賺取費用。Uber 在台灣 (中華民國) 提供更棒的交通方式和賺錢機會,協助您邁向成功人生。
您的手机号码或电子邮箱是什么?继续 或者 使用Google 继续操作 使用Apple 继续操作 或者 使用二维码登录 继续操作,即表示您同意优步及其附属公司向您提供的电话号码拨打电话、发送 WhatsApp 信息或发送短信/RCS(包括自动操作)。
We’ve partnered with healthcare organizations to provide their members and patients with access to care by offering them flexible ride-scheduling options. Healthcare professionals can schedule rides for patients and caregivers going to and from the care they need, all from a single dashboard. ...
2-wheels: You can also bike or ride a scooter with the Uber app. Find a scooter to start riding today for quick trips Assist: Special assistance from trained drivers for accessible travel Access: Wheelchair accessible vehicles ensuring inclusivity in travel ...
Ride options Access to rides on demand. Learn more Uber Eats Food delivery on demand. Learn more Earning with Uber Opportunity is everywhere. Drive or deliver with Uber Moving cities forward Helping to improve public transportation and access to care for those in need. Learn more Helping ...
To request a refund for a ride that wasn't taken, open the app and navigate to your trip history. Select the trip in question, then choose the option to report an issue. From there, you can explain the situation and request a refund. Be sure to provide any relevant details to help ...
2-wheels: You can also bike or ride a scooter with the Uber app. Find a scooter to start riding today for quick trips Assist: Special assistance from trained drivers for accessible travel Access: Wheelchair accessible vehicles ensuring inclusivity in travel ...
Upgrade the rides android sdk to use latest versions of gradle and other libs #217 opened Feb 27, 2024 by lalwani 1 Use the function - redirect back to App, cannot get the TokenID #191 opened Feb 9, 2023 by paperkiteSonny Not a valid redirect URI for the give #190 opened...
If you arrive at the delivery location but can’t find a way to access the customer’s door, you can cancel the order after waiting 8 minutes and still get paid for the delivery. The customer might not have provided a gate code or the entryway could be blocked for some other reason....
Join 120 million registered users exchanging theworld's most popular cryptocurrencies.Purchase and tradeBitcoin, Ethereum, or BNB, Binance's native coin.Whether you're a beginner trader, crypto enthusiast, or professional, you'll benefit from access to the global crypto markets while enjoying some ...