We have helped thousands of students pass the bar exam nationwide. Our Uniform Bar Exam class is taught by bar exam experts who get top ratings from students. We teach you the material and tell you exactly how it is tested. We have the best outlines available which highlight the most high...
The UBE is a standardized bar exam created by the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE). It is designed to test knowledge and skills that every lawyer should have before becoming licensed to practice law. The UBE is uniformly administered and scored, and the UBE score is portable, meani...
It’sgenerally recommendedthat you start studying at least 10 weeks before the bar exam. If you’re not able to study full-time, you’ll likely need to start studying even sooner. Check out the6-month, part-time schedule optionoffered by Quimbee Bar Review. ...
I have an overachiever cousin who has spent years in school studying to become a surgeon while he secretly dreamed of being a banker, only to please his parents. I know of a woman in her forties who married the wrong man only to please her parents, and now is fighting a bad divorce a...