等你来答 什么是二良素岩胞组相在乙二醇-丁醚乙酸酯 二乙若降委程需识席打古二醇单丁醚的指标值 二乙二醇丁轻醚和二乙二醇单丁来自醚的区别 二乙二醇丁翻制孩每连一早醚的英文 二乙二醇二丁醚来自的物理化学性质 苯并来自呋喃酮用在什么抗氧剂上 苯环酸钠是血训陈轮让兴单联什么 邻羟基案特乙酰苯化学式是...
Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme complex Uev1A-Ubc13 promotes breast cancer metastasis through nuclear factor-кB mediated matrix metalloproteinase-1 gene regulation . Breast Cancer Res 2014; 16 :R75.Wu Z, Shen S, Zhang Z, Zhang W and Xiao W. Ubiquitin- conjugating enzyme complex Uev1A-Ubc13 ...
To understand the molecular mechanisms underlying this process, we have developed an in vitro system to examine the activity of the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UBC13-UEV1A with TRAF6 in which TRAF6 serves as both a ubiquitin ligase and substrate for modification. Although TRAF6 potently stimulates ...
Tax hijacks RNF8 and Ubc13:Uev1A/Uev2 to activate IKK and the canonical NF-κB pathway.YikKhuan, HoHuijun, ZhiTara, BowlinBatsukh, DorjbalSubha, PhilipMuhammad, Atif ZahoorHsiuMing, ShihOliver, John SemmesBrian, SchaeferJ., N. Mark Glover...
Tax stimulates RNF8 and Ubc13:Uev1A/2 to assemble long K63-pUb.YikKhuan HoHuijun ZhiTara BowlinBatsukh DorjbalSubha PhilipMuhammad Atif ZahoorHsiuMing ShihOliver John SemmesBrian SchaeferJ. N. Mark Glover