Hold a good honours degree (normally no less than a upper second-classhonoursdegree or an equivalent qualification) in an appropriate subject. Exceptionally, if the first degree is in a different subject area, we can consider applications from those with a good Master’s Degree in a relevant s...
Hold a good honours degree (normally no less than a upper second-class honours degree or an equivalent qualification) in an APPropriate subject. Exceptionally, if the first degree is in a different subject area, we can consider APPlications from those with a good Master’s Degree in a relevant...
Hold a good honours degree (normally no less than a upper second-class honours degree or an equivalent qualification) in an APPropriate subject. Exceptionally, if the first degree is in a different subject area, we can consider APPlications from those with a good Master’s Degree in a relevant...
Courses Taught Nappi 3Medicine and Healing in Chinese History(Upper-level undergraduate lecture;History 487 at UBC,Fall 2010) Later Imperial China:A Sensory History(Upper-level undergraduate seminar in Chinese History;History 379 at UBC,Spring 2011) Translating China(Graduate seminar in history of...
When we do, in our clinic we assess for instability or catastrophic mechanical failure, then prescribe ten low level laser treatments, 3-5 grams of Vitamin C, mild compression (15 mmHg) and graded excercise titrated to tolerable discomfort. If analgesia is required and there is a low opoid ...
Time courses of Borealin sumoylation were performed with trimeric complexes that contained either RanBP2 WT or the SIM2mut variant. The right panel shows the quantification of immunoblots (mean ±SD, n = 3) and the amount of complexes in the reaction. (B) The thioester-bound SUMO interacts...
Hold a good honours degree (normally no less than a upper second-classhonoursdegree or an equivalent qualification) in an appropriate subject. Exceptionally, if the first degree is in a different subject area, we can consider applications from those with a good Master’s Degree in a relevant ...