除了学生自己买的医保MSP,从2014年起,学校SFSS(Simon Fraser Student Society)还会给学生买额外的医保计划(SFSS/GSS Extended Health and Dental Plan) 这个医保计划里分为两个计划,分别是基本(Basic)和高级(Enhanced)计划。基本计划每年要交207.90加币,高级计划为每年267.75加币。 SFSS会给学生买高级计划,当然如果你...
如果不确定自己有没有dental plan的,也可以写自己有ubc student health。我这次就是写了我有student health,(虽然学校说他们这个student health plan没有cover牙医,但是我半个月后还是收到了返给我60%账单金额的支票)这样写有一定几率他们会返给你支票的...student health这个plan,如果是普通检查(我就是去查下...
这个link是所有residence virtual tour的link: http://www.housing.ubc.ca/student-residences-van/virtual-tour miaoian 虎躯一震 14 MealPlan-说到first year residence就不得不说meal plan了。。。所有Vanier+Totem的resident都是必须要买mealplan的,虽然相对贵了点但是还是挺方便的。。。-有很多种plan但是...
Formal strategy/policy name Sustainability Initiative (est. 2010), Climate Action Plan (a 15 year plan that aims to an 85% reduction in campus operations emissions from buildings, energy and fleet and a 45% reduction in extended emissions from commuting, waste, food, air travel and the constru...
The UBC Sauder Business Analytics program has established fees for the 2024 class. These include a tuition fee of C$66,423, a student association fee of C$1,215, and an application fee of C$157.25. Prospective students need to be aware of these costs as they plan for their education....