Fundamentals of career management including effective resume and cover letter writing, performing well in interviews and learning about the recruiting cycles, networking and resources available at the Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre. 商科大二必修课 内容分析: 看介绍这节课就知道,这节课会对学生...
最难的地方是resume和coverletter的作业,如果出现超过3个语法错误这份作业就fail。不过认真上,然后多去找ta改作业的话分数也不会很低。没有考试。COMM 290 讲了一些linear programming和概率,很应用的一门课,非常有意思而且很实用,会教一些用excel的小技巧,有lab。我当时的老师Jonathon非常聪明,而且出的题目也很有...
KIRA线上video interview Resume/Cover Letter 国际申请人需要英语水平证明:托福-建议100分以上,雅思- 建议7.0分以上 工作经验:至少一年的连续工作经验(接受课外活动和社区参与能力强的应届毕业生),Coop MBA 1~5年(少于5年),Full-time MBA 1~7年(最多7年) 2020 Entry Application Deadlines 7. University of Br...
Recruitment and Admissions and the Assistant Dean. Works closely and collaboratively with other members in the Shanghai Office and other UBC Sauder staff (Vancouver) in the unit and within the University to meet the goals and objectives of the Robert H. Lee Graduate...
career centre可以给你免费resume, cover letter, interview prep workshop..各种有用!你还可以和career advising约免费1 on 1 resume/cover letter review...网站上也有很多网站在此:防吞 www点students点ubc点ca/careers斜杠index点cfmI)点这个会带你去很多online resume/cover letter template+tips..II)点这个...
“One big thing I noticed, and I didn’t think it made any sense, youcan have a high G.P.A., the best internships, the best work and activity experience while at university, but if you don’t have someone to put your resume through, it doesn’t matter. Applying through a bank’...
■ 简历 Cover letter/resume: 25% ■ 参考信 References: 5% ■ 面试 Interview: 30% Deadline 什么时候 January 15thB.Sc. Food Nutrition and Health (BSFN) Program在线申请截止。 Last Fri in Jan提交书面申请材料的截止日期,同学们可以提交到UBC的FNH大楼接待处。
■ 简历 Cover letter/resume: 25% ■ 参考信 References: 5% ■ 面试 Interview: 30% 申请UBC的Landfood专业的Deadline 什么时候 January 15thB.Sc. Food Nutrition and Health (BSFN) Program在线申请截止。 Last Fri in Jan提交书面申请材料的截止日期,同学们可以提交到UBC的FNH大楼接待处。