including detailed introductions to their basic information, academic features, and program strengths. At the same time, she offered valuable advice regarding UBC applications. Students also had the opportunity to engage in direct conversations wi...
世界大学学术排名 (Academic Ranking of World Universities, ARWU),又称上海交大世界大学学术排名: ARWU排名主要根据学术论文发表数量、论文被引用次数、诺贝尔奖和菲尔兹奖获得者数量等指标进行评估,更注重科研实力和学术影响力。UBC大学在ARWU排名中也通常表现不俗,但由于其评估体系的特殊性,其排名结果可能与其他排名有...
MSBA 2023 49 Country RepresentedMSBA 2023 11UBC Sauder Graduate Student Ambassador | Why UBC Sauder?-UBC Sauder MSBA RankingThe UBC Sauder MSBA program has impressive rankings in global university lists. In the QS World University Rankings for Masters in Business Analytics 2024, it's at 33rd ...
2022年世界大学学术排名Academic Ranking of World Universities(ARWU)在最新的排名中,学院在欧洲排名第6...
Ranking of World Universities rankings, the university ranked 42nd in the world and second in Canada. The 2022 QS World University Rankings ranked the University 46th in the world, and third in Canada. The 2022 Times Higher Education World University Rankings ranked the University 37th in the ...
UBC Kinesiology 运动科学被 QS ranking 评为 2018 年加拿大第一,全球第四! û收藏 7 6 ñ7 c +关注 UBCKINAlum 2019-2-26 09:27 来自iPhone 加拿大UBC大学运动科学院毕业生协会 上海Shanghai Chapter! 欢迎UBC运动学的朋友们关注动态和Newsletter! UBC 大学的 4周Kinesiolog...