分享283 ubc吧 璐村惂鐢ㄦ埛_5K935KZ馃惥 各位大佬们ssc这个状态什么意思 需不需要我发邮件催一下进度或者问一下 分享121 ubc吧 hellobaby6134 choice 1 waitlist choice 2 rejection choice 3 Okanagan???之前我发过一封love letter给学校 人家给我回复说 ' I have added it to your application for your ...
(今天先到这里了……欢迎补充……偶是ubc的first year science student,欢迎板转~~) 128.189.160.* 写得不错哦,补充一下啦, 温哥华中国人很多。 LPI可以在香港考。 okanagan的校区是不推荐去的,因为教学很烂,而且很偏远。 学费每年都在涨,现在的速度是大概每年3% (留学生) 600~800是一个学分的价钱,但...
Department of PsychologyPsychology Research Participation (Sona Systems) for UBC Okanagan User IDPassword Sona is now OPEN for student participation. Sona will remain OPEN until the last day of Term 2 of the academic year, April 8th 2025. ...
In this year’s program, PSI is also accepting applications from the students of the Okanagan campus. In applications, the following factors would be taken into account. Such as work with a high level of expertise in a discipline or methodology. The goals should be clearly defined and realisti...
谢谢! 分享回复赞 ubc吧 我是一个人小牛 现在ubc vancouver的商科跟文科都在waitlist,然后他们给了我第三个choice,就是okanagan的art,这是什么意思啊?我的朋友告诉我就是vancouver campus 的文科商科都可能不要我了,才给我okanagan的 分享192 ubc吧 熊仔很忙很忙 被翠菊了请求解释心疼ubc把我给拒了,说什么...
Thanks again " - UBCO ( UBC Okanagan ) Math 200, Calculus 3 student "Hi Richard I've been meaning to text you for a while... It's Sanaz! I got 90% on the calculus final and finished the course with 80%... Thank you for all the help " - UBC Math 110 student "...
更详细信息可以通过UBC网站了解:http://www.ubc.ca/okanagan/engineering/faculty/sumisiddiqua.html ...
Application to UBC opens in October and closes on February 28. There is one online application for both the Vancouver and Okanagan campuses, and you will need to pay a $60 non-refundable application fee. You can only submit one application, but you can specify a first and second...
大学里总会有学习好的有学习一般的。有国内高考省100+名次过来的,有人大转校到UBC的, 有华西医学院...
原帖地址:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/354746159?see_lz=1 1、overview ubc在世界排名36(2007),目前有2个分校一个在温哥华一个在okanagan。比较热门 UBC研究生 4-12 0 2014研究生新生群~346795499~童鞋们快来加入吧! UBC研究生 2014-04 专门为UBC研究生新生建立的QQ群!!! QQ group: 346795499 ...