想要drop选上的课,可以选择“Registration”里的“Add/Drop Course"进行。 点击“Registration”里的“Booklist”可以看到需要准备的书。看到后先不要急着买,可以问问教授是否真的需要;如果真的需要可以到网上找找有没有免费电子版或者二手书出售。毕竟买完原价课本也就离破产不远了。 希望上面这些经验可以帮助大家,...
一般建议准备2-3个worklist,当第一个里面有课没抢到的时候就启用第二or第三个备份。 4. 进入新的页面后,要点击上方的Browse,再点击Courses。 Courses把所有的课程按专业分类,你看到的ABCDEFG...等按顺序排列的大写英文字母,就是专业课程代码的首字母。比如,要选择ECON 就点击E。 5. 找到你自己的课程代码 比如E...
右上角选择2014 winter 选完下面Create a new work list [new week] etc. 左上选择browse,SST(standard timetable). Choose BA ( Bachelor of Arts ) Find one most suitable STT add to your work list [ new week ] See browse again, choose course.Find courses that required and/or you are ...
我会说所有ubc club都被list在1个网站上了么?我会说他们的email和网站都在上面么??所以要是你找不到你想去的club的话。。直接送个email说i am interested in joining他们会像色狼看到妹子一样跟进的!!! 网站在此!!从A到Z,然后还有short description of club有木有!! 防吞www点ams点ubc点ca/clubs/ ...
Race Type Public UNA/CSC and UBC Staff & Faculty UBC Students Sprint $202.00 $190.00 $142.00 WAITLIST Register for Youth Triathlon The Youth Triathlon is for athletes aged 12-15. This race distance is a great option for youth looking to start getting involved in the sport of triathlon, an...
based on its contribution to the public good as measured by social mobility, research, and promoting public service. Money magazine ranked UC Davis 10th in the country out of 739 schools evaluated for its 2020 "Best ...
zone, for whom in-person or online synchronous studies would not be feasible, thus making it difficult to meet these requirements. Students registered in online courses can complete their credits from participation in studies from either entirely List A, entirely List B, or a combination of the ...
GFCF Mailing List:gfcfevents@gmail.comto be added to our information flow about future events. “Faith is more than evidence and reason, but it is definitely not less.” ~Johan Erasmus, working on his PhD at North-West University in South Africa on the subject of race and reconciliation ...
blending of hydrogen into natural gas and transmission 欢迎有相关课题经历、经验和兴趣的同学报名, csc和非csc均可,可提供全额奖学金。 ubc的入学时间,一般是1月份,5月份,9月份可以选择, 比较自由。 英语成绩: toefl :90 overall with a minimum score of 22 in reading & listening and a minimum score ...
blending of hydrogen into natural gas and transmission 欢迎有相关课题经历、经验和兴趣的同学报名, csc和非csc均可,可提供全额奖学金。 ubc的入学时间,一般是1月份,5月份,9月份可以选择, 比较自由。 英语成绩: toefl :90 overall with a minimum score of 22 in reading & listening and a minimum score ...