Admission Demographic Survey LLM项目 麦吉尔大学的LLM项目共分为General Law、Air and Space Law、Environment和Bioethics四个方向。 和多伦多大学LLM项目相似的是,麦吉尔大学的LLM in General Law项目也分为Thesis和Non-Thesis两种——两个类型所需完成的必修课是一样的,只是Thesis项目的论文部分所占credit更多,而Non-...
Basic requirements for admission an approved Bachelor’s degree and, for K-12 teachers, one year of teacher education;* OR a 5-year Bachelor’s degree in Education; OR a 4-year Bachelor’s degree in Education or other appropriate area provided the applicant has completed all the necessaryprer...
in English literature/linguisitics基本不会是最终学位,多数学生会继续深造,比如读B.Ed当老师,读一个Business的硕士进企业,还有很多会去考law school。所以本科英语,然后直接读个教育硕士,真的没有什么就业空间,做个最entry level mimimum pay admin都要挤破头(P.S,拿最低工资是不够生活的,绝对不够。 那么下...
President’s Entrance Scholarship 则提供给一年级的海外留学生新生,此奖学金不需申请,会根据入学者的状况进行分类,详情见下表: Secondary school students Average at point of admissionAward 95% or better,or IB diploma 36 or better$5,000 scholarship Early registration date Priority assignment with UBC Hou...
Secondary school students Average at point of admissionAward 95% or better,or IB diploma 36 or better$5,000 scholarship Early registration date Priority assignment with UBC Housing & Conferences 90% to 94.99%,or IB diploma 32 to 35$3,000 scholarship ...
representing the highest level of professional American education consulting and American admission resear...
Admission requirements - UBC | Undergraduate Programs and
晚上也很美,建议去的同学一定要抽时间在某个晴朗的下午去趟ubc有名的裸体海滩wreck beach看日落。裸体...
Admission Demographic Survey LLM项目 麦吉尔大学的LLM项目共分为General Law、Air and Space Law、Environment和Bioethics四个方向。 和多伦多大学LLM项目相似的是,麦吉尔大学的LLM in General Law项目也分为Thesis和Non-Thesis两种——两个类型所需完成的必修课是一样的,只是Thesis项目的论文部分所占credit更多,而Non-...