(图片中的A-及A grades课程为UBC校内某所私立College短期学制课程【非正常学制】)并且,根据学校对于条款的解释,只要学生参加过GPA Boosters课程并且取得了A Level的成绩(包括A-),即使学生其它非GPA Boosters的成绩要远远超过其GPA Boosters的成绩,学生也会被认为有意通过某些课程提高自己的GPA。那么,即使这些GPA Booste...
在UBC指定日期内drop课,成绩单上不会出现“W standing,但过了指定日期drop课,成绩单会显示W,虽不会影响成绩,但它会永久存在于transcript上。且过了deadline之后再drop课,也会扣除相应的学费。 4、Cr/D/F制度是什么? Cr/D/F是一个非常重要且好用的制度。Cr/D/F用好了就是学生的救命稻草,是逆转学生GPA的...
1、Academics里可以查看 Cumulative Average:总GPA均分 View My Academic Progress:修课情况。查看你所在院系的专业课程完成进度,类似前系统SSC的Navigator! View My Grades:各课成绩 Academic Calendar:UBC的行课时间表 UBC Official Documents:正式成绩单、在读证明、毕业信等重要文件 2、Registration&Courses 1、Find...
1、Academics里可以查看 Cumulative Average:总GPA均分 View My Academic Progress:修课情况。查看你所在院系的专业课程完成进度,类似前系统SSC的Navigator! View My Grades:各课成绩 Academic Calendar:UBC的行课时间表 UBC Official Documents:正式成绩单、在读证明、毕业信等重要文件 2、Registration&Courses 1、Find...
1、有合格英语成绩:高中毕业,平均分80%以上或SAT成绩,托福iBT 90(读、听各不低于22;写、说各不低于21)或雅思6.5(单项不低于6分)。2、没有合格英语成绩:高中毕业,平均分80%以上,需要就读UBC大学预科,或先在UBC语言中心完成英语课程方能申请。
Entry to first-year at UBCGeneral requirements for all programs * Upper Middle School Graduation Certificate Certificates must be official. Photocopies are acceptable if certified by school principal, head, or counsellor. Notarized copies are not acceptable. * Grades required for admission will vary ...
该教授操着一股随性而不羁、自由而令人难以捉摸的美式英语,许多学生表示需要时间适应其口音。曾有同学直言:“I think everyone should deserve something like a+5% on their grades because of George's accent LOL.” George是iclicker狂热爱好者,会竭尽全力让所有的学生跟上他的讲课思路,并且幽默风趣,给分公平...
Applicants should have a minimum of two years of related professional work experience. We take a holistic approach in accepting students for our program. We take into consideration your work and life experiences in addition to your grades and test scores.D) Language Proficiency All ...
* 1998 GPAs are based on grades received at time of Application. ** Total Applicants less: accepted and registered, accepted and declined, alternates admitted by registration date, rejected due to ineligibility, eligible applicants who withdrew, applying for transfer. Mean MCAT Scores of the Enteri...
regardless of the competitiveness of the admission GPA achieved. I once bumped into him and was pleased that he could remember me. I'd like to get together and practice too. While it wasnt the best interview Ive ever done, I like to think that my answers showed a thorough understanding of...