下图是针对BC省高中申请者的general admission requirements,简明扼要的三条:高中毕业(这里针对的是BC省...
Applied Science (Engineering) * Three years of Math (Pre-Calculus level) at Upper Middle School * Three years of both Chemistry and Physics at Upper Middle School Arts No prerequisite subjects additional to General Requirements Sauder School of Business (Commerce) * Three years of Math (Pre-Calc...
Applied Science (Engineering) * Three years of Math (Pre-Calculus level) at Upper Middle School * Three years of both Chemistry and Physics at Upper Middle SchoolArts No prerequisite subjects additional to General RequirementsSauder School of Business (Commerce) * Three years of Math (Pre-Ca...
General 选课建议 1. 根据各个年级的升学要求,查漏补缺,确保可以按时升入高年级。具体Sauder各年级的升学要求请点击下方链接查看: mybcom.sauder.ubc.ca/co 2. 对于今年9月升大二学生:由于大二Winter Session的成绩会决定大三进专业的顺序,建议大家在Summer选择对于留学生普遍难度较高、均分不太理想的大二专业课...
1、有合格英语成绩:高中毕业,平均分80%以上或SAT成绩,托福iBT 90(读、听各不低于22;写、说各不低于21)或雅思6.5(单项不低于6分)。2、没有合格英语成绩:高中毕业,平均分80%以上,需要就读UBC大学预科,或先在UBC语言中心完成英语课程方能申请。
Political Science Psychology Sociology Spanish Statistics Visual Arts Zoology BC省高中体系申请要求: General admission requirements 普遍要求 The following are the general admission requirements for all Canadian high school students applying to UBC’s Okanagan campus. ...
The admission policy and entrance requirements of UBC are quite comprehensive and demanding. For general admission, a high academic performance is essential. Students need to have excellent grades in their previous studies. A strong average in core subjects is highly regarded! What's more, language...
The assessor will assess the qualifications and experience of the shortlisted APPlicants with respect to the above mentioned research area, techniques, skills and other requirements. The assessor will conclude whether each APPlicant is qualified and, if so, for which of the two models. The assessed...
申请Engineering分支除了需要满足UBC General Admission Requirements,还需要上过12年级的数学、化学和物理成绩; Science分支则需要有12年级的数学(成绩C+以上)以及11年级的化学和物理。 而进入这三个分支后,不同的学生有不同的命运。由于Engineering的专业课难度高,课程紧密学习任务繁重,这一年的成绩除了会影响学生未来的...
Applied Science (Engineering) * Three years of Math (Pre-Calculus level) at Upper Middle School * Three years of both Chemistry and Physics at Upper Middle SchoolArts No prerequisite subjects additional to General RequirementsSauder School of Business (Commerce) * Three years of Math (Pre-...