*每个session对应可选择的课程和mini school见官网: https://extendedlearning.ubc.ca/programs/future-global-leaders-oncampus/courses-registration 申请网址 https://extendedlearning.ubc.ca/programs/future-global-leaders-oncampus?g...
UBC Future Global Leaders - Online 2023 UBC 未来全球领导者-2023线上暑期课程 除了线下on campus课程,UBC还开设了线上暑期课程,课程主题如:商业、工程、媒体与技术、心理学、社会学等,让学生足不出户也能学习UBC的热门大学课程,提前体验大学学习,并在线上与授课导师及其他同学进行互动和交流。 (第一期课程内容...
使用了让学生自己去创立一个公司的方法,从Consumer profile,Marketing Methods,Finance中让学生在实践中...
Hands-on learning: Through the Hands-on Learning, you'll learn from both academic and business leaders, with face-to-face interactions and a "flipped classroom" approach. This approach delivers essential knowledge outside the classroom, allowing for active engagement and real-world learning....
Indigenous at the Vancouver School of Theology on the UBC campus. A status Cree, he is ordained with the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church in Canada. Born in Northern Alberta, he now resides with his wife in Richmond. Formerly Ray served as the Assistant Professor of Theology at Ambrose...
Researchers walked around campus handing out $5 or $20 bills, asking participants to spend the money by the end of the day. The participants weren’t told what the purpose of the research was, only that they were part of a study. Half the participants were told to spend the money on ...
But these innovations did not happen by themselves, or simply because of the United States' rich resources. They depended on consistent support from the leaders about the need to take action when faced with crises. This has been especially true in the environmental crisis. ...
UBC Future Global Leaders - On campus 2023 UBC 未来全球领导者-2023线下暑期课程 为什么参加UBC的线下暑期课程? 01 进一步探索学术兴趣 为期2周的暑期课程将由UBC的教授和导师授课,期间学生将有机会与教授们探讨自己的学术兴趣,并体验真正的大学课堂,进一步帮助学生决定未来的兴趣领域和专业方向。