UBC log in..大家好,我最近在做UBC的申请,可是create account 的时候总是没法往下进行,感觉问题出现在CWL Login Name.但是具体不知道哪里出现问题了,请大家帮帮我
问问楼主,我也是遇到了这个问题,但是我能登录到CWL的页面,但是不能登到UBC官网的页面,每次按login,然后就跳到了create an account的页面那里,应该怎么解决好呢? 筝韵设计 抢个沙发 2 楼主,我在创建CWL的时候就不成功,每次输入完信息之后,下一步就失败了,能帮帮我吗?创建之前需要填别的什么的文件吗?谢谢了!
这个屎一样的系统,在undergraduate admission里点log in进去老弹出create a new account!(cwl账号已经注册过了),怎么破? 你猜哑 鸭梨山大 11 。第一个图里,点log in。。进入图2 你猜哑 鸭梨山大 11 图二proceed下去,填表,然后告诉我,根据我的信息,我tm应该已经有一个账号了~然后也不知道自己在干嘛,总之...
2.账户申请 Create an account through theVIRS Student Application Portal.账户创建好基本上1分钟就会收到带有学号的邮件回复,(注意如果没有第一时间收到带学号的邮件,应该是网络的问题,发邮件说明情况重新申请,不要傻傻的等,我们就是以为要等一段时间才会有学号,浪费了时间。)此时可以开始创建CWL账户啦,这里需要...
requirements: mod_rewrite for apache PHP 4.3.10+ with GD extension MYSQL 4+ PEAR with XML_RPC module (optional, only needed when using CWL) run http://yourserverpath/youripeerpath/install (trailing slash may be required) 1b. create a database in MySql follow the instructions for the ins...
account. This question targets your learning style. The purpose of this project is to understand the current and future role of occupational therapy in Canadian emergency departments. 1. I've been following this forum for quite a while, finally decided to make an account. Thanks for letting us...
For development, you can set LRS_STATEMENT_ENDPOINT to either the 'local' setting (to dump statements into the xapi_log table) or to an account on https://lrs.adlnet.gov/ for your LRS. Note that https://lrs.adlnet.gov/ is set up for testing purposes only and they can clear their...
requirements: mod_rewrite for apache PHP 4.3.10+ with GD extension MYSQL 4+ PEAR with XML_RPC module (optional, only needed when using CWL) runhttp://yourserverpath/youripeerpath/install(trailing slash may be required) 1b. create a database in MySql ...
requirements: mod_rewrite for apache PHP 4.3.10+ with GD extension MYSQL 4+ PEAR with XML_RPC module (optional, only needed when using CWL) runhttp://yourserverpath/youripeerpath/install(trailing slash may be required) 1b. create a database in MySql ...